Twenty-Three || How It All Began

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He had an idea how it all began

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He had an idea how it all began.

How his own emotions made him restless.

How his emotions progressively grow.

How his emotions didn't appear out of nowhere over night.

It blossomed slowly, little by little, until it turned into a magnificent flower.

He remembered the first time he felt your touch grazed his hand.

He never saw you.

All he felt was your warm touch against his cold hands.

The time he felt you the second time and finally saw you was when his father introduced him to one of his lifelong friends.

That was the day he became interested in you.

A tiny, one-second spark of curiosity sparked in his heart to begin with.

"Oh my gosh! Senku, would you look at that?" Byakuya enthusiastically pointed to a small girl the same age as Ishigami Senku who had gotten the perfect score on the school's front board.

In front of him was a small girl who put on a smug look and appeared quite bored as she gazed around the school. She even yawned because of how bored she felt.

Senku, however, gazed at her as if she was the only person in the universe. He did not even bother to listen to his father.

There was just one thing on his mind; 'Who is that girl?'

A genius.

That is what she is in Ishigami Senku's eyes; beautiful like Eulers' Identity and brilliant like Albert Einstein.

"She matches your intelligence." Byakuya beamed, shaking his head, "She is the daughter of my dearest best friend; Tsuyoshi (Name). Go on, shake her hand!"

'Tsuyoshi? That famous family?'

Senku, nevertheless, didn't even try to move. Although his body stayed behind Byakuya's, his eyes wandered — giving the impression that he was too shy or afraid to move.

That is so out of character for him, don't you think? He was always the arrogant one. His eyes were always the ones that carelessly roamed around, always giving the person in front of him the impression that they were too insignificant to talk to him.

This time, things were different.

Your eyes were the ones that did not look at him as your eyes roamed around, while his were the ones that gazed at you.

Your (e/c) eyes did not meet his crimson ruby ones.

That made him exhilarated.

Right then and there, he was instantly interested in learning more about you. It seemed as though a magnet pulled him to you. He was drawn to the girl who appeared average but turned out to have hundreds of skills in her.

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