Twenty || Liar

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A/N : I've always considered Drunk-Dazed by ENHYPEN to be the theme song for (Name). What do you think? What song best describes our gorgeous Tsuyoshi (Name) in your opinion? ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)

From someplace behind the shadows, there was a faint hum; It had a powerful yet soothing voice, like it was calling for someone.

Hearing such unsettling tune, the Tsukasa's army — who marched forward once more towards Ishigami Village — slowly became skeptical.

Up the mountain, a powerful wind was on its way.

The time has come to defend the village against those armies of strength.

Senku stood atop the bridge, waiting for the enemy to come to capture him while the Battle Team hid beneath it.

The Battle Team's signal to show themselves came when the sound of footsteps louder and the sound of the leaves crushing increased.

With that, every member of the Battle Team — Kinro, Ginro, Kohaku, Kokuyo, and even Magma — surfaced from beneath the bridge. They advanced fearlessly, giving their everything to defend the village that they cherish.

They cut the enemy's weapons using the blade of science, one of the most deadly weapons in the Stone World.

"Proper weapons. I like it." Hyoga gave a genuine compliment, "Well done, Kingdom of Science."

"Heh. It might not be perfectly finished, but they'll do the job." Senku murmured to himself while carefully inspecting the Katana. He did so to determine whether the methods he used for creating the Katana needed to be modified or not.

Instinctively, a few of the Tsukasa's army began to retreat, fearing they would be sliced by the sharp blade.

"Damn it... How did they make blades like that?!"

"We're screwed! Their weapons are stronger!"

"Our weapons are breaking a-apart!"

Fortunately for the Tsukasa army, Hyoga has become their 'savior'. Eventually, he stepped forward casually, walking ahead as if nothing had happened.

"It's not only your weapons that are being broken, your feeble minds are shattering as well. Which I imagine is exactly what Senku-kun wanted to accomplish. Hence the little display with the Katanas." Hyoga ridiculed, his expression indicating that he was prepared to give his underlings a good lashing once this was all over for their terrible performance.

The Battle Team was surprised that he could figure it out, but Senku was expecting this. He had come to realize that Hyoga was not just an all-muscle guy; he was also knowledgeable.

"But your Katanas are no match for my 'Kudayari' and my 'Kan-ryu' style of spear fighting!" Hyoga then rapidly jumped forward, motioning his spear in a circular motion as if to hypnotize everyone who saw it.

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