Fourteen || Sulfurina-chan

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The Science Team — along with Kohaku and Ginro — set out to a mountain that Chrome had mentioned had a beautiful lake far away from here.

With a silver spear already in hand, Ginro's task is to take on the role of bodyguard for the team.

To be honest, you had faith in this small, blonde guy to perform an excellent job, but his cowardly nature kept coming out. Nevertheless, it appears that he became too brave for his own good because he already had his silver spear.

He was in the front with the spear, but he spun it around when he wasn't supposed to.

"Ginro! Quit messing around and hold your spear steady and pointing forward." Senku took hold of the spear's end and pointed it directly ahead, giving a firm command, "This silver spear acts as a sensor. That's the whole reason why I made it in the first place. Pay close attention to the tip of it."

You gave Ginro a gentle shoulder pat, "It's very important, you know? You'll need to notice if that silver begins to turn black."

"Turns black? What do you mean?" Ginro furrowed his eyebrows.

"If that happens... You'll be dead in seconds." Senku's expression has turned somewhat serious, "You need to get away within 0.1 seconds. That's a signal for all of us to start running."

As you would have predicted, Ginro began to shake with fear. He was looking between you and Senku, almost like he was pleading with you to return to the Kingdom of Science this instant.

"The enemy you're guarding us from will kill us if we make just one mistake." You warned, "It's the greatest hurdle in making sulfa drugs. We could die very easily."

As you all continued forward to a river that was covered with moss and there were no more fish to be seen — like Chatsubomi-goke moss, Ginro continued to keep in the back as he trembled like a freaking Chihuahua.

"It's still okay. It's all still okay. It's still silver NOT black! Still okay, still okay, looking good..."

You were clearly amused with the sight, so you quietly moved up behind him and grasped his shoulders tightly. 

In an instant, Ginro yelled so loudly that your ears practically bled before pointing the spear at you.

"H-HEY! (NAAMMMEEE)!!" Ginro whimpered, his hands trembling violently, "That's not funny! D-Don't laugh! Sto- NOT YOU TOO!"

You, however, continued to wheeze along with Chrome and Kohaku.

"Y-YOU-! HAHAHAHAHA! I CAN'T BREATHEEEE!" Panting, Chrome leaned on you for support. Even Kohaku laughed so hard that she could only hit the floor while holding her stomach.


You honestly tried not to laugh. But as soon as you stopped, the picture of Ginro yelling like a female kept playing, so you just started laughing uncontrollably again.

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