Thirteen || Glass

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As night fell, you, Chrome, and Senku were in charge of taking care of Gen again. Unfortunately, Chrome dozed off rather quickly, leaving you and Senku to deal with replacing Gen's 'bandages' once more.

The night was still, with only the flickering of small flames from the torch used to illuminate the storage room.

"If Gen's recovery is gonna take longer than we thought, it won't be long before Tsukasa comes around, looking for us." You shivered at the idea as you combined various herbs to make a fresh paste.

"He'll definitely kill us for real." Senku casually chimed in, "Well, there's no need to worry. I'm sure you have a plan in case it happens."

"Yeah, I do." You sighed heavily, "But the plan is going to be a pain in the ass."

"Nothing too difficult that you can't handle, right?"

"Wha- What do you mean by that?!"

"'Cause, y'know, you can do it all." He teased with a mischievous grin on his face.

Swiftly, you nudged him roughly, causing him to tumble sideways with a huge thud.

"OUCH?!" He groaned, massaging the area that hurt.

"You deserve that!" You laughed, sticking out your tongue, "You know that I can't do everything. I'm human after all."

"Still, I'm not wrong in saying that. You can literally be anything and go anywhere at this moment." He spoke, trying to get back into a sitting position, "You could go to America to find your grandpa right now, but you choose to stay."

"One, I'd be insane if I went alone. Two, do you really think I can build a boat that can withstand sea weather by myself!? Three, I'd be dead without anyone's help. Four, do you want me to continue?" You stared blankly at him, to which he reacted with a light laugh.

"Pfft- Yeah, I know. I'm just teasing you." Senku snickered before abruptly coming to a stop.

At the same time, you both exchanged a quick glance and noticed that a whisper had entered the cold air. Both of your gazes then rested on Gen, where his breathing appeared unsteady while he attempted to open his mouth to utter anything.

"What's wrong, Gen?" You gave a soft response, brushing his hair aside so you could see him clearly.

Knowing that the two of you are now paying attention to him, Gen soon mumbled softly, his voice sounded dry as hell, "E-Even in this Stone World... Could the two of you make o-one... for me? Just one.... c-cola."

"Hey, Gen! As a fresh start in our friendship, I offer you a cola!"

"A cola? Are you out of your mind?! I won't perform well because of it, (Name)-chan. What if, in the middle of an exchange, I burp?!"

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