Twenty-Two || Trench and Instruments

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A/N : 🎵 You know I talk too much! Honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up!🎵

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A/N : 🎵 You know I talk too much! Honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up!🎵

The Kingdom of Science was in the Age of Energy and possessed a hydroelectric generator, thus they were able to run everything without requiring human labor which made the villagers very satisfied.

In addition, the Kingdom of Science had to build batteries to contain the electricity. Not only that, but because this kingdom had formed the Spartan Crafts Team - you, Senku, Chrome, and Kaseki - you also created gears.

However, when the team decided to build light bulbs, Senku unexpectedly assigned you to teach the kids until he requires your assistance.

"C'mon, goldfish. The children need you." Senku said lightly, sticking his pinky inside his ear.

Of course, you shook your head, "I've taught them enough, lettuce head! I'm the commander, so I'd like to assist you with creating the lightbulbs."

Now it's Senku's turn to smugly smirk. Instantly you already know that what you just said was going to end up getting you wrapped up in his never-ending teasing.

"Oh, so you consider yourself to be in charge now?" He raised his brows amusingly, "Good to know."

When you heard that, your face became completely red, embarrassed by what you had just said.


Did you just really say it aloud?

That you are the commander of the Kingdom of Science?

Hell no.

"I mean, that's what everyone says, so why not just accept it?!" Too humiliated, you even had the audacity to give Senku a hard backslap.

You kind of forgot he still had a very small amount of muscle, so when you didn't expect him to fall, he literally got his face smacked hard against the ground.

"YOU- YOU DAMN GOLDFISH! YOU DON'T NEED TO SLAP MY BACK THAT HARD!" Senku shouted as he felt his back sting.

"Wha-? WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME? You deserved it." You, the one who never backs down from a fight, glared, "I swear, do you want me to jump on top of you and smack the shit out of you because I don't have all day for this!"

It was quiet for a minute while you noticed Senku were breathing in and out as if to give him the power and patience to deal with you. Following that, you assumed he would apologize (not that he ever did). But, this is the Ishigami Senku we're talking about. Of course your expectations will always be crushed!

All that was seen on his face was arrogance and mockery.

"You feeling froggy?" He flashed a rude smirk, "Leap."

Oh, that's it!




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