Chapter 8

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                                CHLOES POV
After our last disney princess movie finished and some of the snacks on the snack tray were gone we decided to play monopoly , spoiler alert it never ends well. "WHY THE FUCK AM I IN JAIL HELLO?" Trevor screamed as his hair was sticking up and he was huffing and puffing as he drew doubles 3 times in a row and no one had informed him it sent you to jail so you could see why he was livid. "No worries Trevor you can buy my get out jail free card from me!" Cole said as he stared at Trevor whose face was tomato red .

"Oh Cole that's sweet" Taylor said as she put a hand over her heart and stared at the both of them holding back a laugh at trevor's anger. "Oh okay yeah Cole i can do that how much is it ?" Trevor said as he calmed down a little and was staring at Cole and his jail free card. "It's 200 dollars!" Cole said as he smiled and waved it around he was baiting Trevor. "WHAT" trevor's shriek went around the house. "You are joking caufield right ? because no way in hell am i going to pay that price" Trevor said as he glared at Cole, trevor's hands being held back by Quinn and Luke as Trevor was livid and wanted to throw a pillow at Cole.

I swallowed a laugh back as everyone stared at the two but then finally jack spoke up "Okay how about we put the game away before trevor flips it over and beats cole in the head with it" Jack said as he got up and started putting the pieces away and i stood up and helped him , as we both went to the grab the lid to the game our hands brushed and butterflies swarmed in my stomach. When we finally finished cleaning up me and jack both got to our full heights and sat back down on the couch to join in on the discussion. "Omg how about we do face masks!" Taylor squealed as she quickly got up and came back with the target bag from our earlier shopping trip and took out 7 face masks.

"Oh my gosh i forgot about those they're so cute!" I said as i gushed about the face masks i had gotten for me and jack as she said and i quote "Just get me something as long as it's not a unicorn or something" Even though if i got him a unicorn he would wear it just to match with me. Taylor passed them out Cole Luke and Trevor got matching tiger ones and Taylor and Quinn got matching clay ones. "Best trio ever" Trevor Cole and  Luke yelled as they ran upstairs to put them on. Quinn and Taylor following us as well leaving me and jack to put ours on downstairs in the guest bathroom.

"Come on jack!" I said excitedly extending my hand as he grabbed it and quickly intertwined our fingers , i tried to ignore the butterflies swarming inside my stomach and instead focused on getting us to the bathroom. I hopped on the counter as jack came to stand in between my legs and hold onto my hips as i opened up the first face mask to put on jack. "Okay stay still jack because if i mess this up it won't turn out cute!" I jokingly said to jack as i furrows my brows in concentration and stuck my tongue out a little focusing to make sure i'm placing the face mask right.

After i finished i dusted my hands off jokingly passed jack a mirror and said "Ta-Da!"  Jack looked at himself  in the mirror quickly grinning at my work. "I love it chlo now it's time to do yours!" He said with a mischievous smirk on his face as he pulled mine out of the packaging and gently put it on my face. "There we go you can take a look although we all know it's perfect because i did it!"  Jack said as he puffed out his chest with pride as he handed me the mirror. Well i couldn't lie to him it did look good why lie.

                                JACKS POV

"Fine it does look good i'll admit" Chloe said as she admitted and my smile just got bigger as i grinned at her as she looked at her in the mirror and she put her hair up in a pony tail pulling out two little strands. Gosh i was falling more for this girl everyday but i needed to show her that and prove it to her.

"Told you it looked good" I said with pride in my chest as she jumped off the counter and grabbed her phone "Photo time! We look cute right now" She said as she opened up her phone and started taking pictures of us as we did funny poses and some more poses. But in the one of the photos we were supposed to be serious and look at each but i kept looking at her eyes then her lips. I couldn't help myself so i ducked my head and went in for a kiss on the cheek it wasn't the kiss i wanted but it would have to do for now.

"Oh my gosh the last one is super cute ! even though you caught me off guard" Chloe said as she had a big smile on her face going through the photos. "Jacky hand me your phone" Chloe said as she put her phone down and looked at me waiting for my answer. Without skipping a beat i handed it to her no questions asked because that's how much i trusted this girl. She handed it back to me with a big grin on her face and that's when i saw that she changed my wallpaper from a picture of a family picture of the hughes and zegras to the picture of me kissing her cheek with our matching face masks.

Yup i'm falling for this girl more and more.

I GOT MY MOTIVATION BACK WOOOO i like also updated cause i felt bad you know 😓 im gonna be updating wednesday fridays  and Sundays hopefully cause yk also i wa averting a little deja vu writing the scene where chloe applied jacks face mask like kitchen counter part 2?? kidding but on another note go read rowdyismyman story it's called summer lover and i literally am in love with it on another note i was also motivated to update my story because of them so yay !

edited 03.07.2024

um so yes they also lowkey made out here but i also changed that cause again slow burn

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