Mule Tracks of Secrecy

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What happened before

Swabian backpacker Doris Steinbrecher thinks she has reached the destination of her dreams when she discovers a fantastic luxury retreat in Honolulu. She docks as a pregnancy replacement for a yoga teacher. Soon afterwards she becomes pregnant herself - by an aged Kenyan guru who did not live to see the birth of his son. Keno grows up in a regime of limitless femininity and in a giant crib. A dozen single mothers manage the spiritual hotspot. Basic care includes the daily super high. The women celebrate flow orgies.

Keno has a bright future in Hawaii. But then the wheel turns. During a flying visit to the ashram in Poona in 1988, Doris met Raimund Freitag. Suddenly the two decide to return to Germany.The decision slows down and at the same time crystallizes the social decline of late hippies. Your spirituality has stalled. Luminaries describe the phenomenon as stored Qi. Discouraged people lose their balance because, according to an esoteric analysis, the blocked Qi decays toxically within them.

Doris has known secret formulas that have been passed down along the mule tracks of secrecy for centuries. She regulates her Qi level by closing the gates so that the hundred evils cannot gain access. Why does Doris' secret knowledge benefit her so little? How is it that normal people have more energy/money/joie de vivre than the Qi Gong and yoga teacher Doris?

The jump in the bowl is even bigger for Doris' partner and yoga partner Raimund. He exists at a temporary end of concentrated nothingness. His ancestors didn't even leave behind a gazebo. Raimund makes his contemporary witnesses to a triumphal procession of helplessness. The scrounger subtly wears hand-me-down short-sleeved flannel shirts to the point of threadbareness.

Doris and Raimund are trying to stabilize themselves at adult education center level. That fails. Meanwhile, Keno is experiencing a rise as the grandson of the furious self-made millionaire and gentleman rider Anton Steinbrecher. The bilingual child becomes the boss's designated successor.

Everyone calls Anton boss.

After hard years in elementary school in Dortmund as a dyslexic, Anton began an apprenticeship as an electrician at the age of thirteen. The journeyman could have appeared as a double for Johnny Weissmüller. He was hired on a freight sailing ship. He climbed into icy shrouds with his bare hands. He crossed the English Channel in a Klepper folding boat. He set a few records. He earned money wherever he had an opportunity, including road construction. The Westphalian almost single-handedly built a viewing tower on the northern Black Forest Dobel. He stayed in the area. 

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