Boasting Boomer

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"We are survival machines - robots, blind, programmed to maintain the selfish molecules called genes." Richard Dawkins


The common homeland was a point in a foreign country. Back home, home is no longer an issue. Even the divinity of sexuality preached by Osho, keyword 'From Sex to Superconsciousness', loses its cosmic dimension in the converted barn, which Doris, Keno and Raimund share with a colony of bats and many more nocturnal creatures.

In the 1950s, a river and light bath was created in and along the River Enz. An almost untouched originality lines the site in the spectrum between roadside jungle, embankment and aerialroot labyrinth.

Keno finds the mood of the moment Caribbean. He hides from the family pack in the undergrowth. His mother Doris crawls beyond the boundaries of the river pool. The showers and changing rooms are located in a crimson shack. The chip shop stands on the sunbathing lawn like a shield house. The line of children in front of it is constantly changing shape.

Keno's stepfather Raimund presents his gymnast's body in the lotus position.Doris and Raimund ran into each other in India. They could have met at a Kraichgau wine festival. Raimund comes from Knittlingen - the birthplace of magician Johann Georg Faust. Doris was born in the district hospital in Mühlacker. It takes seventeen minutes to drive between the towns if you stick to the road traffic regulations.

The common homeland was a point in a foreign country. Back home, home is no longer an issue. Even the divinity of sexuality preached by Osho, keyword From Sex to Superconsciousness, loses its cosmic dimension in the converted barn, which Doris, Keno and Raimund share with a colony of bats and many more nocturnal creatures.

Keno's grandma Betty calls her husband boss, like everyone else.  In the circle of her offspring lying on towels, she rests on a camping lounge chair. The mother of seven daughters manages to view the behavior of boastful boomers with both disapproval and altruistic pleasure.

Betty studies a forbidden confidentiality. Iris sits next to Raimund, almost at a distance. The attraction flattens the edges of modesty. Iris is part of the family. Since childhood, she has spent more time in the paddock - family speak for the Steinbrecher property - than with her people. Iris loves horses and the generosity of her hosts' housekeeping. Her bikini exposes sweeping hips and a flat torso.

Betty looks at Raimund's stupidly proud features, which are desolate with inner emptiness. She fears and despises the infamous excuses Raimund uses to make ends meet. He has always made himself too easy. Doris appears again. Unconcerned, she wrings her hair at Raimund's feet. She appears completely guileless. She has seen Iris grow up. For Doris, the horse-crazy girl is a child who can be exploited and is easy to please.

A horse farm means work above all. People like Iris are keen to do things that others would only do for money, if at all. Iris responds to the equestrian mumbo-jumbo that Doris' father loves to spread. A mix of esoteric whispers, pithy sayings, invented quotes and unmarked appropriations of other people's intellectual property.

Anton is completely unscrupulous. He's been bossing people around for decades. He sees the slightest contradiction as insubordination. Anton appears like a gentlemanly rider, even though he has attended elementary school for less than five years. He can barely read and write. At the same time, narrative ideas run wild in him. At night he dictates to his wife, who, as a senior daughter, received a high school education, what is going through his head.

Keno, who grew up more or less in the care of his grandparents, knows such nightly sessions firsthand. He slept in a room with his grandparents for a long time. Now he has his own room. It's the Antichambre. Anton has to pee a few times every night. The grandson notices everything without being bothered by it. Keno wants to be the most intimate and well-informed witness at the center of power.

He is still in his hiding place. He doesn't miss the furtive way in which Raimund communicates with Iris. She could be the last person to fall for the loser. Doris takes off her wet clothes to dry naked in the sun. Nothing disturbs her informality. Doris is the unlucky wretch among her sisters, but there are moments inner freedom gives her unusual scope. 

Keno changes his position. He doesn't want to miss the departure of his cousin Alissa, Issa for short, to join her by chance. He can't even get his aunt Veronika's daughter out of his head in his sleep. Issa haunts Keno's vague memories of dreams and other special states. Keno constantly sees Issa together with her mother. There is an incomprehensible attention and an inappropriate responsiveness from the adults. Veronika can't keep her hands to herself when her adolescent nephew is within her reach. 

Power of Attraction

Keno is blessed with life-affirming frugality. He tells himself a joke as Issa cycles towards him. He wants his face to burst with laughter.  

Keno discovers love together with Issa. The air between the two is burning under a sky like from another star. Desire puts Issa and Keno under pressure. They stimulate and sedate each other with sports overdoses. They surf on waves of endocannabinoids and endorphins.

There is no insurance against the power of attraction. The inexperienced think they are informed. Issa's observations hardly undermine their expectations. Her mother is open to Issa's admirers. Undaunted, Veronika explores her effect on Keno. She rivals her daughter. Keno also suffers from his mother's forced informality. Her ideologically pimped laissez-faire condemns the son to unavoidable witnessing. Keno associates his mother's sex with desperate dullness. He rules out the possibility of cosmic fire blazing in this game.

"As soon as you approach an orgasmic experience, your thoughts stop, you become more of an energy, more fluid, pulsating all over your body." Osho

Issa and Keno synchronize physiological events without a second thought as they swim or run side by side. Walking together requires a different kind of athleticism. The question constantly arises as to when and to what extent the next touch is due. Why certain points have not yet been discussed. Whether the new look will meet with the desired approval.

The first cracks in the fabric of love are beginning to show.

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