Wrought Iron Lamp

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"The wise tell us that the pattern of the entire universe... is imprinted on (your) being... you are the whole." Christopher Wallis


"The experience of our reality ... is completely different for a liberated and awakened person than for someone who experiences it from the perspective of their conditioning." CW


"We are replacing our misaligned stories with well-aligned stories." CW

Ö ... 1996 - everything still works, but it hurts. Doris has mastered the yoga vocabulary in every standard order of magnitude. Sometimes she thinks she has been unlocked by Śaktipāta

"Śaktipāta refers in Hinduism to the transmission (or conferring) of spiritual energy upon one person by another or directly from the deity." Wikipedia 

Then she is overcome by doubts again. Doris observes the mirages of her daily misfortune at the kitchen table of her near-sister-in-law Renate. Her partner Raimund's father pronounces foreign words incorrectly. Savoir-vivre is a tongue twister. You don't have to have savoir-vivre.

Not only is canned fish enough, but there is nothing better than the canned fish in view of the latrine menace of "the bad times", which continues in the widower's head with firestorms, the stench of burning corpses and hunger. The shelf life of tinned food is an inexhaustible topic. With the batteries of tinned food on the cellar shelves, we can survive a nuclear winter at any time. Herring from a jar and half a chicken from the Wienerwald are not only culinary highlights, but also commemorations of the hunger we endured during and after the war. 

"Wienerwald is a fast food restaurant chain (founded in 1955) as a franchise and system catering company that mainly offers chicken products as fast food. It is named after the Wienerwald." Wikipedia

The greatest delicacy is the chop with peas and carrots for lunch, prepared by Raimund's sister, in whose house the old man gradually disappears. Doris discovers similarities between father and son that upset her. In the end, Raimund's indolence is disguised by an almost bourgeois appearance. Raimund wears the discreetly passed-on short-sleeved flannel shirts of Anton's richest son-in-law to the point of blandness. Tayfun Yıldız, married to Doris' sportiest sister Veronika, embodies the internationally renowned cardiologist luminary at the head of the Black Forest Clinic in real life. 

"The Black Forest Clinic is a German television series produced by ZDF between 1984 and 1988 and first broadcast from 1985 to 1989." Wikipedia

In his convalescent establishment, he appears like an Ottoman version of Professor Brinkmann's palatable portrayal by Klausjürgen Wussow. 

"Klausjürgen Wussow (1929 - 2007) was a German actor and voice actor. His best-known role was that of Professor Klaus Brinkmann in the hospital series The Black Forest Clinic - Die Schwarzwaldklinik." Wikipedia

Life in white. Born in Istanbul, he plays the man of the world in Swabia. He thinks bourgeois is cool. German provinces, German cars, German beer; happiness in the corner of the terraced house with its hunter's fence and wrought-iron bell light above the front door. The restored milk house. The revival of village community baking traditions. Weekly markets and farm stores. Bored housewives in hot pants in front of antique ice cream parlors. 

Tayfun has this V-collar sovereignty that you can't just copy. He gets a reliable thrill from feeling the country road directly under the floor pan in his 1963 Porsche 901 (911 from 1964). Only eighty-two examples of the classic car (with an air-cooled six-cylinder boxer engine) were sold before it was renamed. Who even remembers that? 

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