Chapter 2: Whispers in the Twilight

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Drunk boyfriend

Elliot turns me around and gives me another kiss right on the mouth. It's soft and feels warm. It kind off feels like... «Alcohol, you're drinking alcohol Elliot? » And off all the booze to drink he chose Vodka? «Yeah, so? » he scoffs back in a rude tone. 

«Babe what the actual fuck? We are literally celebrating a 8 year old child's freaking birthday. You cannot drink here. Are you out of your mind. » Why is he being so.. So... rude? Is this man turning into an alcoholic?  Or is he just a douche?

"Jesus y/n! Relax I am not the only one. I'm not the drunkest here anyways." I love this man but oh my god he is stupid

Suddenly, out of the blue i hear a child scream. I see El Wey running past us suddenly with a soda in his hand. Jesus that is a big forehead. And such a funny laugh. Did he just scream something about Rodri? Both me and Elliot forget the argument for a second. What a weird little kid. Seconds later Rodri runs past us, playing with El Wey. Ah makes sense. That was weird.

Reality hits again.

"Oh okay of course then it's fine" I scoff. "Except for the fact that YOU are driving dumbass" I blurt out. His demeanour changes now. Elliot looks me up and down with a mad expression on his face, rolling his eyes at me. 

"Can you chill y/n?" he says rolling his eyes again. I would feel bad if it weren't for how rude he can be when he drinks. I hate it when Elliot picks up the bottle. He changes as a person. He turns into this petty and annoying man. And he never knows when to stop. I'm pretty sure it's because he's jealous of Phil. Not that unlikely when I think about it. They grew up together, but Elliot had to watch Phil become a world class footballer while Elliot is just a college player. Phil is also just more handsome.

"Woah, are you guys okay?" I see Phil spawning from the corner. He looks a bit worried. "I don't want you guys ruining El Wey's birthday. Please chill..." He gives me a little extra nod as if he is giving me extra attention, subconsciously asking if I'm okay. I think he understands what is happening here. The vodka smell from Elliot is strong. 

"Who THE FUCK names their kid El Wey man?" Elliot blurts out. Phil looks at him with anger in his face. Luckily for us most of the party are in the living room and we are in the kitchen. I don't want Elliot to ruin this day for El Wey. "Not cool man." Phil says back. 

"Nah man, it's not cool that you are hitting on my girl" Elliot yells back. I see red and I can sense that Phil does the same. "Man, what in the world are you yapping about? I am married and have I child for god's sake. I am not interested in your girl. No offence y/n" Non taken Phil wtf. This is just surreal.

If I was confused before I am defiantly confused now. Does this man really believe that me and Phil talking about ABBA means that were flirting. Jesus, he needs to chill

My thinking is disturbed as I feel myself getting pushed. The push is strong with the force and feel myself falling. Both boys look at me in shock, too dumb to move. Fuck I'm going to hit the ground. Everything feels like it is going in slow motion. In my fall I stumble over a pair of feet, or at least I think it is feet. I close my eyes, ready to feel my back on the ground.

Any time now. Any time.

The meeting

That is weird. I've stopped falling but I didn't hit the ground. I'm flying, and two arms are holding me up. Wow, did Elliot actually manage to get over here that? I slowly open my eyes expecting to see those beautiful blonde curls. Instead, I see a piercing orange colour attached to a.... face. 

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