(3.) - Yiinao Guildmaster.

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       We travelled through the Yiinao streets for a bit, searching arounf for the Guild building. Gidou had given me some directions that were supposed to lead me to the building, however those directions were so vague, that they may as well not be directions.

Instead, they were more.... Just amateur tourism guide lines... Not actual directions.

However, thanks to some very kind locals who gave us extra directions that were actually useful, we eventually made it to the guilds building. The building itself now.... Was nothing like the Ordial Adventuring Guilds building.
For starters, it was absolutely huge - much bigger than Ordials one.

It also looked more like a palace of a duke or something, with its white, clean look and multiple floors. The giant sign - or actually, engraved text - above the two doors simply read:
'Yiinao Adventuring Guild.'

As soon as we pulled up to the building, we were approached by what I could only assume were workers at the guild, who offered to take our carriage and park it somewhere.
I did thank them, but also asked them about the license that we had and whether that would be an issue, but they just said that the guild will issue us a new one, so there wasn't any reason to worry.

That definitely made me feel a bit safer if I have to say. Me and Wezrall quickly hopped off the carriage, allowing the two workers to drove the carriage off to what I could only assume to be a parking lot or something.

Which was strange if I may add - I didn't know this world even knew what a parking lot was.

Or maybe they don't and I'm overthinking things.... Either way, it wasn't important right now. Even if someone from the guild or outside the guild tries to rob our carriage, all the items we had inside there had already been moved to my small bag to my side, which had the 'Devourer' or should I say, 'Black-Hole Starvation' orb which created an infinite space inside it for storage.

"Shin - Are we really safe just waltzing into there and demanding a meeting with the Guildmaster?"

Wezrall asked, walking next to me.
I looked at him, while Odale continued to mimic the actions of a cat - to try and not draw attention to himself while he was on my shoulder.

I thought about Wezralls question for a bit, before shrugging.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, Gidou did say that he was going to send a letter to this Guildmaster to notify of our arrival."

"...But can we really trust that he actually had done that? The Ordial Guildmaster hasn't been the kindest as I understand.."

I laughed lightly, before shaking my head and exhaling.

"You worry too much Wio. It'll be fine - I doubt that Gidou wants to make my life that difficult."

I replied, as we climbed up the staircase and waltz right up to the doors of the guild.

"Just relax, it'll be fine—"

I stated, before pushing the doors open, and entering the guild building, with a wide smile on my face.
However that smile didn't last long, as I had only managed to make it inside slightly when I got surrounded by guards from every side, pointing spears towards me, while all of them looked like they were ready to kill me if needed.

Wio quickly manifested his battle axe, preparing for a fight, while I looked around with a slightly confused gaze.

'...No way- did Gidou actually screw us over—?'

I thought, slightly dredging that thought.
If he did, then my god - Will I have a LOT to say to that motherfuckers face when I see him again. If he didn't though...
Then I've got no idea what this all was about.

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