(21.) - Ball of The Baron.

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      For the next 2 days, I felt like I was going to die. We had been invited to a ball that was hosted by the Yiinao Baron, who wanted to apparently thank all those that helped to shut down the shady trade of goods, which, of course, would naturally get us involved as well - as we did help shut it down as well. Now, at first I didn't think the invitation was real, however after reaching out to Guildmaster Klana, she confirmed that it in fact was real and we really were invited to the ball.

And I have to say - those news, horrified me slightly inside. Mainly because one simple fact — we were being invited to the manor, or a BARON.

In the Nobilities hierarchy, as I understood from Gidou before leaving Ordial, Baron was a title that was ranked around 4th in the Hierarchy of Nobility, which made me very, very nervous about heading to a manor of someone with such status.
I mean, as a 4th highest Nobility rank, surely any wrong move would land me in very deep hot water, right?

I could have rejected the invitation now that I look back upon it, however that thought never crossed my mind at the time - or, if it did come into my mind to simply reject the invitation, I was too scared to go through with it, because I was afraid of the potential consequences.

Sure- I had a lot of power, but man...
If there's anything I've learned, it is that most people in this world, are NOT as they first appear. There is always some form of 'more' to them.

I spent a long time with my friends, discussing what to wear to the ball. Luckily, Frindel didn't need to change her outfit much, as apparently as a 'servant' she was going to simply standby at the ball. And I could also cross out Odale from my worries as well, as he would remain in his cat form and stick with Frindel during the entire ball.

That left me to worry about myself, Iyka and Wezrall. We had to figure out what to wear, as we didn't really have an excuse as to not wear something more... Formal - I suppose.

...At least I didn't have to buy any formal clothes for myself, as according to the Ancient One, I could simply use my 'Abyss Magic' skill combined with my 'Jester' skill to create some formal clothes made out of magic to wear.
I gotta be honest - I completely forgot that I could do this. The clothing that I've been wearing has been changing so much with each of my evolutions that I simply forgot that it even was made of magic.
My magic.

But that's besides the point.
Allow me to right now present you with a different dilemma - What outfit can I create for myself, that would be formal enough to attend a ball hosted by a fucking baron.
I was standing in my inn room, infront of a 'mirror' that I had created using my 'Light Magic' skill.  Currently, I was simply using my 'Abyss Magic' to keep on reconstructing my clothes to different attires.

There were all sorts of ones I was switching through - native attires, normal attires, folklore attires — even my old lifes Japanese attires, however none of them I felt like fit for the ball.
I sighed heavily.

'Why did this have to happen...'

| This is the consequence of trying to always help whenever you feel like you can. |

Yeah well—....
You know, I don't have a counter argument against you at this moment Ancient One. This kinda is just a problem of my own making - I always just gotta stick my nose in every little issue that I learn of.
That's fully on me.

| Glad that you realise that. |

Oh shut up—

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