(28.) - Faofa & his 7 Students.

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     After Morgan introduced her, the next student stood up - the Boy with the Silver hair from earlier. Only now, I could also spot a slight hint of pointy ears under his hair, which immediately made me to jump to concluding what he was.

'Elf?... No, maybe a Half-Elf...'

| Close - but neither of the two. He is a Lesser Elf - a member of the Elven species that has an Elven parent and a Non-Elven parent. |

....Sounds like a half-elf to me, but whatever.

| ....Sigh - Master, there is a significant difference between a Half-Elf and a Lesser Elf. |

Yeah, okay - You can explain that to me later. Right now, I don't have the time to listen to your banter about species and biology.

"Greetings Teacher, I am Jilk Poalhundamon. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The boy stated, placing his right arm onto his chest, before bowing towards me lightly. Very... Very formal... Makes me feel informal myself. Also, what on earth is that last name—
Paul... No, poal... - y'know what, I won't even try to pronounce that, because I know 100% that I'll fucking butcher it. I'll just call him Jilk.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine."

I replied, smiling towards him. The boy sat back down, before crossing his arms and leaning onto the desk infront of him. And then it continued on - next to introduce herself was another girl, one with deep, ocean blue hair and deep blue eyes.
Her name was Rosalin Katt - a human.
Then there was a Half-Dwarf boy, who had rather long, white hair which was combed backwards.

His name was Kurolo Earfshield. A very unique name if you ask me. Also, interesting to see a Half-dwarf — never seen that before in my life in ANY story I've read.
It's always been just a dwarf - just, different variations, like mountain or something.

After Kurolo, next in line to introduce themselves, was another male student - just a regular human. He had short grey hair and a scar across the left side of his face. His name was Alexander White.
Pretty standard name.

Then lastly, there were 2 more girls - one was a blonde girl with a tail, which neatly was placed to the front of the body. Her name was Festia Desmond.
And the other girl was one with silverish blue hair and almost crystal like eyes - she wasn't a full human persay, but I couldn't tell what she was on her other half...

| A Quick analysis suggests that she may be a Half-Dragon. |

Woah, really?

| Well - sort of. She's most likely a member of One of the Two dragon descendant races — either a Lizardman or a Dracoman. |

I see...
I guess that would explain the crystal like eyes and the very unique hair colour. The girl stood up and looked at me with a rather cold and shy gaze, before adjusting her glasses.

"M-My name is Diamond.... Diamond Dirraja."

Diamond.... Seriously? She's straight up named Diamond? Who names their kid after a precious gem such as a 'Diamond'? It's the same as me deciding to call my child... I don't know - Quartz or Ruby. Huh...

Well, either way it was a unique name for sure.

"N-Nice to... Meet y-you..."

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