{Intermission}(1.) - Holy Prodigy - Harold.

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Intermission. . .

{I.} Holy Prodigy {I.}


      I never had much as a child. I was born into a modest family of 3 - in the countryside, within a village whose name is now long forgotten among the ashes. My father was a hunter and my mother was a retired adventurer, who decided to pursue carpenty after falling in love with my father.

I grew up alongside with my older brother Luke - who is around 5 Years older than me. Growing up in the countryside meant that - like I've said before - I didn't have much. I only had the toys my mother would create for me and whenever I got bored, I'd play with my brother and the other village children.
....Or that's what you'd expect me to say.

The truth was - from the very beginning, I was different. An outsider. Someone - who didn't quite fit in with the other children in the village.
The adults and elders of the village often told me that I am unusually mature for my age and that I needed to focus more on enjoying my childhood.

However, all I could ever think about, is how these adults are trying to limit me. Trying to hold me back from doing what I wanted.

So I ignored their wishes for me to enjoy and spend my childhood like 'a normal' child.
Instead, while all other children played all day and what not - I remained indoors, reading books as well as studying the different aspects of this world. This type of dedication to not doing anything else other than learning, led me to awaken my magical abilities very early - at the age of only 8.

The magical power at the beginning wasn't anything that impressive - I could barely make a flower bloom using it. However, the adults around me were surprised that I even could utilise magic at such an early age.
And it wasn't only the adults in the village.

One day, a passing through Holy Knight had seemingly noticed my difference from the other kids. While everyone else wanted to know about his heroic deeds as a Holy Knight and what not, I wasn't very interested in him.
...Which is why I suppose he approached me and talked to me. Apparently he could also sense that I had a talent for using Holy Magic - something not many people that aren't part of the church can do.

Because of this fact and other factors, he offered to me and my parents to take me in as a squire - as his apprentice. My parents were very sceptical about it at first, however I had managed to convince them to allow me to go with the knight.
Mainly because I knew, that I was destined for much more than I was going to accomplish here in my village. And I mean, much - much more.

So I left with the Holy Knight and trained under him as his squire, in none other than the Holy Capital. Thanks to his teachings and my own studies, I managed to accelerate my own strength growth so much, that I managed to enter the Academy for Knight Training in the Holy Capital at the age of 11 - when usually, the lowest they would allow would be 15.

I excelled in all my studies at the academy - from the theoretical tests all the way to the practical fighting tests. My Magic Abilities and control over magic itself was also grand - being able to easily outmatch all of my classmates who were older than me, while also managing to outclass a couple of older students.

All and all, my quick and accelerated improvement didn't stop there, as I managed to easily burst through the academy and graduate it at only the age of 16, while everyone else graduating with me were already past 21.
I was being praised as a 'prodigy' - a 1 in a Million rare specimen of all humanoid kind. Someone who would bring big, big changes to the entire world.

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