Evadne~A force to be reckoned with

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The next day, Kai arrives at the university, his Bentley cutting a sleek figure as it pulls into the parking lot

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The next day, Kai arrives at the university, his Bentley cutting a sleek figure as it pulls into the parking lot. As he steps out of the car, he is greeted by the familiar sight of a row of girls waiting for him, their eyes shining with adoration and longing. He groans inwardly, rolling his eyes at the predicament of being admired for his looks yet unable to capture the heart of the one who truly captivates his own.

With a resigned sigh, he brushes past the hopeful gazes of the girls and spots Evadne in the distance. Without hesitation, he quickens his pace, his heart beating a little faster at the sight of her. As he approaches, he can see the surprise in her eyes, a flicker of uncertainty dancing in their depths.

"Evadne," he breathes, coming to a stop in front of her. "I...I've been thinking about our conversation yesterday. I hope I didn't upset you. I just...I just want to understand you better, to be there for you if you'll let me."

Evadne's eyes widen in surprise at Kai's words, her heart fluttering at the sincerity in his voice. She opens her mouth to reply, but no words come out, her thoughts a jumble of emotions. Kai waits patiently, his gaze never wavering from hers, a silent plea for understanding and acceptance.

After a moment, Evadne finds her voice, her words tentative but filled with a newfound hope. "I...I appreciate your concern, Kai," she says softly, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. "I...I think I'd like that...to let you in, to share my burdens with you."

And as they stand there, surrounded by the bustling energy of the university campus, Kai and Evadne find themselves on the brink of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with the promise of healing, understanding, and perhaps, even love.

Evadne hesitates, her gaze dropping to the ground as she struggles to find the words to explain the depths of her pain about his question of not letting others into her life. "I...I've always been afraid to let anyone in," she begins softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like...like I'm a broken glass, shattered into a million pieces. And if I let someone get too close, they'll only cut themselves on my sharp edges."

Kai listens intently, his heart aching for the pain she carries within her. "Evadne," he says gently, reaching out to gently lift her chin, so she meets his gaze. "You're not broken. You're just...you're just a little cracked. And it's okay to be scared, but you don't have to face it alone. Let me help you pick up the pieces."

Tears glisten in Evadne's eyes as she looks at Kai, her heart overflowing with emotion. "It's not just that, Kai," she continues, her voice trembling. "My parents...my parents died when I was just a teenager. My mother...she...she killed herself after finding out my father was cheating on her. And when my father saw her...when he saw her dead, he...he couldn't bear it. He...he took his own life too."

Kai's eyes widen in shock at the revelation, the weight of Evadne's words hitting him like a tidal wave. "Evadne, I...I had no idea," he murmurs, his voice filled with compassion. "I can't imagine what you've been through. But please know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, no matter what."

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