Evadne versus Lara

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As Evadne continues to work at Starbucks, her mind occasionally drifting to thoughts of Kai, she is snapped out of her reverie by a coworker who informs her that a man is waiting to see her

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As Evadne continues to work at Starbucks, her mind occasionally drifting to thoughts of Kai, she is snapped out of her reverie by a coworker who informs her that a man is waiting to see her. Confused, as Kai usually meets her at the counter, she walks over to see Lara smirking and a man in a suit with bodyguards standing beside her.

Realization dawns on Evadne as Lara's father addresses her, telling her to leave Kai and insinuating that Lara deserves him more. Evadne's heart clenches at the audacity of the man's words, and she crosses her arms defensively across her chest, her expression turning as cold as ice.

"I'm sorry, but who are you to come here and dictate who should be with whom?" Evadne's voice is sharp, her tone cutting through the air like a knife. "Kai is not a possession to be claimed. He is a person with his own thoughts and feelings, and he has chosen to be with me. If Lara has feelings for him, she should talk to him directly instead of hiding behind her father."

Lara's father is taken aback by Evadne's boldness, his expression momentarily faltering before he regains his composure. "You may think you have won him over, but you are nothing but a passing phase for him," he retorts, his voice laced with disdain. "Mark my words, he will realize his mistake soon enough and come back to Lara."

Evadne's jaw tightens at the man's words, her resolve strengthening. "Kai's feelings are his own to decide, not yours or anyone else's," she replies, her voice unwavering. "I trust him to make the right choice, and I will not be swayed by your threats or manipulations. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

As Lara's father's words sink in, Evadne's blood boils with anger at the audacity of their intrusion. She turns to Lara, her eyes flashing with fury, and delivers a scathing retort.

"Lara, I pity you for resorting to such cheap and cowardly tactics to try and win someone's affection," Evadne says, her voice dripping with contempt. "If you truly cared for Kai, you would respect his choices and not hide behind your father's authority. Love is not about possession, it's about mutual respect and understanding, something you clearly lack."

Lara's father, outraged by Evadne's words, signals to his bodyguards to restrain her. But Evadne, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, reacts swiftly. With trained precision, she delivers a swift kick to one of the bodyguards, sending him staggering back and crashing into a glass table, shattering it into pieces.

As the other bodyguards move in to restrain her, Evadne stands her ground, her fists clenched in determination. "I am a boxer," she declares, her voice firm and unwavering. "I may seem small and fragile, but I am not to be underestimated. I will not be intimidated by you or anyone else. I am strong, both physically and mentally, and I will defend myself against any threat."

The bodyguards, taken aback by Evadne's fierce resolve, hesitate for a moment before backing off. Lara's father, realizing that his intimidation tactics have failed, glares at Evadne before storming out of the cafe with his daughter in tow.

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