Chapter 4

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After 1 week
Lavanya's Pov
Today is my marriage, but I am not happy ,why???
I sat in front of the mirror thinking about the things that had happened since the past 2 months...
About the Iyers,my childhood with them ,my teenage days when I had acute anxiety disorder how they supported me and all the time I had spent with them,I couldn't remember anything about these Khuranas that I could reminisce...My parents Rajeev and Rajashree Khurana never thought about me ...They are just thinking about their status and prestige which could be enhanced if I marry THE so called PRINCE...
How can I survive in this marriage where there is no love but only a DEAL.A deal of exchanging status and prestige...
While all these thoughts came over me I was interrupted by Meisha
'Hey Mam,what thoughts are you engrossed in'she asked
'Nothing ....absolutely nothing'I said
'Then are you ready'she asked
Over time we have become very close friends .Eventhough at first I thought that she was a spoilt rich brat she has changed over the past two months...
I think its the magic of the Iyers ....
Their kindness and compassion can change the spoilt rich brat Meisha changed into a sweet and supportive person...
'Mam ,what thoughts are you engaged in'she asked me
'No nothing,Yes we can go'I said with a heavy heart ...
I walked down with Meisha by my side.
I was wearing a  red lehenga with many works in it...It had many sequences in it...Because of all these I was sweating a lot .Soon I reached the place where marriage was to be held(mandap).I saw Shubman standing there for me ...He was wearing a cream coloured Kurta and a white pant which complemented his Kurta very well...I noticed the sequence work in his Kurta and I don't want to say this but he was looking very handsome in that dress...
Actually eventhough he was my fiance I am meeting him for the first time on this day ...
Ya I know the 'conventional marriage' type things...
But it was the doing of  the Khuranas ,they didn't want me to have any sort of contact with Shubman as they felt that the news of the marriage will get leaked and they didn't want the news to get leaked...
I have met his parents though and they are very sweet...
His parents smiled at me as came towards the mandap and I smiled back ...
The Babaji started reciting the holy prayers as I sat next to Shubman...
This was the starting of my new journey and was I happy?No...
How am I going to survive in this world

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