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Alphonso POV:

I have a headache.

Although I have to deal with a ton of shit, I usually don't get headaches. So why is it that arriving in this place called Waco, Texas would only intense the pounding?

"Ti senti bene, Alphonso?" Asked my best friend and right hand man. (Are you feeling well?)

"Sì. Ho solo un mal di testa. Il suo nulla di grave, Rafael." (Yes. I just have a headache. It's nothing serious, Rafael.)

He just nodded and stared ahead. Currently we are driving into the innermost region of Waco, Texas, to pay a 'visit' to someone. So, since I'm stuck in the car for the next 30 minutes, I shall use this time to formally introduce myself.

My name is Alphonso Rizzolo. I am 26 and am the only son of Allessandro and Arriane Rizzolo. The Rizzolo group, also known as La Famiglia, is one of the largest mafia organizations in the world. But there is more to us than meets the eye.

Yes, we are involved with drug trafficking, assassination, the government, and scandals. And yes, one of our main focus is on the money. But our other focus, one that we value more than anything else, is the family itself. We protect those we care about and dispose of those who threaten us. That's all there is to it.

"Hey, I've got the perfect remedy for your headache," said Rèmy, another one of my close friends.

In my sleek black SUV, holds several of my best friends and feared assassins. They are Rafael, Rèmy, Dante, Lorenzo, Marcelo, and Romeo. They are my most skilled men whom excel in various positions. Rafael in weaponry; Rèmy in tracking/hacking; Dante in information gathering; Marcelo in combat; Lorenzo in strategizing; and Romeo in security.

Although they are a bunch of stupid idiots, I couldn't have asked for a better team and family.

"You'd better not spit one of your humorless jokes Rèmy! Why haven't you gotten it threw your head that they're not funny?" spat Lorenzo.

"Lighten up, Lorenzo. Geez, you're such a spoilsport." Rèmy countered. "I was just trying to make Alphonso feel better."

"Yeah, right" Dante said as he typed furiously away on his computer.

"Come on guys give him a chance. Maybe this time it'll be funny." Piped Romeo from the back.

"Thanks, Romeo. I knew I could count on you. Anyways, this is a headache joke by the way. It goes like this: A husband wants to give his wife a really romantic night, so the two of them get all dressed up and go out for a night of dinner and dancing. When they get home, he carries her up to the bedroom, sets her down on the bed, and says he has a present for her.

He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a velvet jewelry box. His wife is ecstatic as she sees the jewelry box. He hands it to her and she opens it to see there's no jewelry inside, just two white aspirins.

"What?" she says, "but I don't have a headache."

"Ha, I knew it!" says the husband.

Only Rèmy proceeded to laugh uncontrollably at his own joke. We, however, glared at him. "What the fuck was that!" demanded Lorenzo. "Not only did you fail in lessening Alphonso's headache, but you managed to give us all one."

"What! You know that was funny. It had to be!" Rèmy argued.

That was how the whole ride played out until we reached our destination. All the while, my headache intensified.

"Alphonso, we've spotted him." relayed the all time serious Rafael. "Good, now follow him. You all know what to do." They all nodded and evacuated the vehicle. Only Rafael and I remained in the car. The plan was this: Rèmy, Lorenzo, Marcelo, and Romeo would pursue the man we were 'paying a visit to' while Dante would be the look out. Once they confirm the apprehension of the man, Rafael and I would make our way over and have a little 'talk'.

Well, that was how the plan was suppose to go.

The confirmation came sooner as expected from the best."Charlie is detained and waiting. He is about 3 blocks away from origin. Delta, Beta, Gamma, and Alpha await your arrival." Dante relayed via phone call. "Clear." I said before ending the call.

"Let's go Rafael. They are 3 blocks away."

"Got it." He said as he started up the car and drove to our destination. The night was chilly and home to mischief, murder, and betrayal. Things that I knew all to well. After Rafael parked the car, we got out and made our way into what seemed to be an alleyway. Groaning and the smell of fear were the things I was met with upon my arrival to the scene.

Grinning mischievously I gave my greetings to the man who lay bleeding. "Buona sera Gustavo, incontro di fantasia qui." (Good evening Gustavo, fancy meeting you here.)

"Chiudere l'atto. Lo so perchè la tua qui." He said breathing heavily. (Quit the act. I know why you are here)

"Ottimo! Ora possiamo solo metterci al lavaro. Che costa ti ha detto Matteo?" I inquired enthusiastically. (Great! Now we can just get down to business. What did Matteo tell you?)

"Lui mi ha ancora detto niente." He said as he tensed. (He didn't tell me anything.)

Alphonso slowly reached for his hand gun from his pocket and shot Gustavo in the leg. A painful scream emitted from the injured man's mouth.

"Repeto. Che costa ti ha detto Matteo?" (I repeat. What did Matteo tell you?)

Nothing but soft whimpers escape the injured mans lips.

"Se questo é come si vuole andare a giocare il vostro gioco, alloro giocherò. Per ogni cinque secondi non si riesce a darmi una riposta, quindi dovrò ciecamente sparare al vostro corpo. Tempo inizia adesso." (If this is how you want to go about your game, then I'll play. For every five seconds you fail to give me an answer then I'll blindly shoot at your body. Time starts now.)





1..2..3- "Attendere! Ti diró quello Che voleta!" (Wait! I'll tell you what you want!)

Lowering his gun, he cocked his ear to the side to state that he was listening. "Ha solo chiesto se volero unirmi a lui nel tentativo di prendere giù. Questo é tutto, lo giuro!" (He only asked me if I wanted to join him trying to take you down. That's it, I swear!) he yelled hoarsely as he grunted and whimpered in pain.

"Was that too hard? But seriously, he asked you of all people to take me down. Humph. Must've been desperate to ask someone like you. And here I thought it was something important." Raising his gun toward Gustavo once again, Alphonso fired a round.


Turning away from the scene, the group headed toward the car. However, the loud clang of a nearby trash can stopped them in their tracks.

There in the distance, stood a beautiful young girl shaking uncontrollably.

Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouWhere stories live. Discover now