Gear Up!

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Alphonso's POV:

"Speak." I commanded.

In my private meeting hall the five Rizzolo branches were in attendance and sitting quietly as the main leaders of each group stood up and spoke. In my branch, Romeo stood up and said his report.

"Alphonso, from what I have searched in the past two days is that none of our fellow Rizzolo family members had nothing to do with the disappearance of Avalon. All men who I had suspicions of were thoroughly questioned by Roma's interrogation team and since they are all still alive I assume that they were cleared. The security cameras and other hidden devices were checked as well, but I found nothing that led to Avalon's kidnapping." He finished before sitting down again.

Dante was next to stand and speak. "In the past few hours I was able to zero in on a possible suspect, a suspect that I can't believe didn't come to mind immediately after what happened in the ballroom a few days ago." Murmuring and whispering filled the room instantly. I rose my hand up, silencing the crowd so that Dante could continue his report.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Adriano Leonetti."

"SON OF A BITCH!" I countered, but Dante continued.

"Lately he's been on the move, associating with many small mafia organizations in Italy. Honestly, I think he's making stronger connections in order to create an army. An army for war.
So I kept digging and along the way I discovered something else."

"What was it?" asked my mother.

"Do you remember the problem that the drug trafficking branch had not too long ago? The stolen shipment?" He asked.

"Yes, but how did you know?" asked my uncle.

"With all due respect uncle, I'm not Alphonso's information gatherer for nothing. Anyways, I found out that the stolen shipment was sent to different countries in South America and were then distributed further. Adriano Leonetti was once again tied to this incident boss. And in my opinion, though the Leonetti's are one of the great five mafia families, I don't believe they could have pulled that all by themselves."

"And whom do you think is conspiring against us then?" asked Arriane.

"That is something that I do not know, but I can bet that it could be another great family." He finished before sitting down. The next to rise was Rèmy.

"As much as I would like to tell a joke to disperse this dreadful atmosphere I know when it is not needed. So, without further ado I'll get on with my report. Tracking Avalon has been quite difficult but I think I have zeroed in on her location. Also, with what Dante said before, I completely agree that Adriano Leonetti had something to do with her kidnapping. In Italy, the Leonetti's own multiple villas that the family mostly spend time in, but there is one that I came across that seems a bit peculiar."

"How?" asked Fabio.

"Well, this particular vacation house has recently been on alert since it's security has increased."

"But how does that seem suspicious? In my opinion, I think that's practical for any mafia family." Piped Allessio.

"Because compared to their other villas this one has had the most movement in years. Their planning something and I know it won't be good." He concluded before he took a seat.

All eyes were on me now. Calmly, I rose from my chair and glanced around the
room before delivering my speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, after hearing all of this I have come to a decision. Fabio!"

"Yes, Alphonso?" He asked.

"Contact the Benedetti's and persuade them to ally themselves with us."

"But what about the other families?" He asked.

"The Lombardo's always stay neutral when it comes to mafia wars and by knowing this I was able to find out who the Leonetti's are working with."

Everyone gasped.

"Yes, the Romano's." Upon realization of an interesting matter I chuckled. "It will be an even war, a war with 600 soldiers on each side."

"Then I'll get right on it." Fabio said as he stood up from his chair and made his way towards the door.


"Yes, boss?" They answered in unison.

"Gear up!"


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Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora