The End

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Chapter is dedicated to ChristiSchmidt, _Lifesnotsobad, elnorap, and Tawni17.

Alphonso's POV:

It's been three weeks and she still hasn't awoken.

"Mr. Rizzolo, the surgery for Ms. Fiera was successful. The bullet that penetrated her abdomen miraculously didn't injure any of her internal organs due to her humerus bone, which redirected the bullet when it hit it. Now, because she lost a lot of blood her body is going to need some time to recover from the physical damage.

You'll be able to visit her in a few more minutes sir, so please take a seat.."


"You need to get some rest Alphonso." Marcelo urged from the couch behind me.

"And a bath." Interjected Rèmy.

"Stop it Rèmy. Look, we're all just worried about you." said Rafael.

"I'm not leaving her." I retorted stubbornly. "Not again."

I squeezed her hand, hoping that the gesture would somehow wake her up. "Do you really want her to wake up seeing you like this?" Dante questioned. "We're all worried sick about Avalon too you know, but going about it like this isn't healthy. You haven't slept, eaten, bathed, or shaved since! Please, rest fratello. If it makes you feel any better, we'll watch over her."


"That's it!" Lorenzo roared. "I'm knocking him out."

Avalon's POV:

What is with all that noise? Whoever that is needs to knock it off, don't they have any decency to respect a woman trying to get some sleep!

"You guys stop could accidentally hurt her!" Someone yelled.

My head was pounding from the noise and I groaned. Miraculously, the noise subsided and I opened my eyes slightly.

"She's awake!"

I heard some shuffling coming from somewhere in the room and a blurry face came into view. The person placed their hands on the side of my face and said, "Avalon?"

I blinked my eyes until my vision returned and the person's face cleared up.

I screamed.

"Who are you!" I yelled as slapped the man's hands off my face with my right hand. I attempted to sit up properly, but hissed when I noticed that my left arm was bandaged up in a cast.

"It's me." He said as he attempted to reach for my face again. My eyes darted around the room for help. "Romeo, don't just stand there! Get this creep away from me!"

Romeo just stood there confused. "Avalon believe it or not, but that "creep" is Alphonso."

My eyes bulged out my eye sockets.

"Phew," Rèmy sighed. "I thought she had amnesia there for a second." He stood up from the floor and walked the short distance to my bed. With a love filled dazzling smile, he said, "Welcome back."

Before I could respond, the door burst open and Catarina, with an AK-47 in hand, aimed it around the room. "I heard screaming!"

Alphonso turned around and blocked the gun from my view. "Put that thing away would you!" He snarled. Reluctantly, she lowered the gun, but continued to peer around the room for the source of the noise and once she caught my eyes she bawled.

Her crying attracted the attention of Giovanni, Fran, Allessio, Arriane, and Allessandro. "What's going on?!" They yelled.

"She-she" Catarina stuttered.

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