Meeting The Crew

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Thank you all SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING! Here's the next chapter dedicated to you.

Alphonso's POV:

"Hahahaa. Wow, Alphonso! Your girl definitely has spunk. I can't believe she threw that plate at Rèmy." Romeo laughed. We are currently still in the dining room because I begged my so called friends to help me clean this shit up.

I know you're wondering why The Great Alphonso Rizzolo, the hottest, scariest, and one of the richest man in Italy, is squatting on his knees scrubbing pasta sauce on the floor like an enthusiastic maid. Well I'll tell you. Any demand, request, command, or order that comes out of Catarina's mouth must be done because she's that much of a scary ass old lady. So it didn't matter that I was the boss, the leader, the man in fucking charge of this fucking organization, or frankly the man in charge of her paycheck! Plus, whenever I tried to stand up to her she'd always tell me to 'put my big girl panties on and deal with it.'

"Oh, don't forget when she grabbed his tie to block Rèmy's attack. That was classic!" Marcelo piped in, laughing just as crazy as Romeo.

"Shut up you ingrates and put your backs into it! We've got to clean this place fast so I can sleep with Avalon," I said. I was working really hard so I could see Avalon's sleeping angelic face and no one was going to get in my way of seeing that.

They all whistled at my remark.

"Alphonso, I don't mean to burst your bubble but thrusting Avalon into our line of business will surely get her hurt. I know you have feelings for her but please think about the consequences of her being here." Rafael said as he mopped vigorously on the marble floor. I knew that his intentions were sincere and that he cared about my well-being but I couldn't just let her go. Never in a million years.

"I know Rafael, but that's something I can't do. I've finally found the person I've been looking for my whole life. I won't let her go and that's final." I said with so much emotion laced in my words. I meant everything I said about Avalon. She was my missing puzzle piece and without her I would surely fall.

"She's got you whipped, huh." said Lorenzo. He had a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, she does." was my meek reply.

"All right then Alphonso I hear you loud and clear. I suppose our only option is to make sure she's well protected, isn't that right guys". Rafael said. They all nodded in agreement. "Just leave it all to us and.... congratulations fratello (brother)."

"Thanks. You're the best brothers anyone could ever ask for."

"We know." They all said in unison.

Two and a half hours later, the dining room was cleaned to perfection. After we all said our goodnights, we trudged up the stairs and into our respective rooms. I tried searching for Avalon but with sixty seven guest rooms in my mansion I easily gave up. I guess I'll have to find her in the morning.

Once in my room, I stripped, showered and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I put on a pair of Calvin Klein briefs and flopped onto the bed, drifting into sleep instantly.

My dream you ask? Well, it was of my future family with Avalon, of course.

Avalon's POV:

"Avalon sweetie, it's time to wake up." Catarina said as she gently shook me. I lazily opened my left eye to peek at her and groggily told her good morning.

"Buongiorno (Good morning). Breakfast will be served in about thirty minutes so get dressed. Afterwards, can you do me a favor?"

"Yes. What do you need?" I asked as I sat up and stretched.

Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum