The Kiss

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Avalon's POV:

"What the hell was that for!" I demanded.  No way in hell was I just going to stand here and let him get away with ruining my night of fun.

"Stay away from him! He's not someone you'd want to get tangled up with." he whispered/ yelled.

"Speak for yourself! I've seen the things you've done so don't even bother trying to make yourself look like the good guy. You took me from my home without my consent. MY CONSENT! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have to be here and have to worry about who I should and shouldn't get 'tangled up with'!" I huffed, glaring at Alphonso with annoyance.

In one swift motion, he grabbed my arm and headed out of the ballroom and to the balcony. "Let go of me right now!" I demanded. I tried yanking my hand away from his grip but he only seemed to tighten his grip even harder. When we reached the balcony he slammed the door shut and pinned me against the railing. "Alphonso-"

"Listen to me amare and listen well! I've been in this business for a very long time so I know who's dangerous and who isn't. Adriano Leonetti is not the guy who you think he is, in fact, he's much worse than me!" He yelled.

"Says the guy who was sucking that girls face after he specifically told me 'I won't leave your side tonight'" I huffed. "Yeah right. Nobody's worse than you."

"That is not what happened!"

"Then please enlighten me Alphonso, please explain to me what you claim did not happen right before my eyes."

"You seem to forget the fact that the bitch came up to me. ME!" he stressed by pointed at himself. "Not the other way around. Ever since I was thirteen she's had this sick notion that I loved her and from then on she's been pulling stunts like the one today. I assure you Avalon that I hold no feelings for anyone but you."


Did he just say what I think he did?

"You heard right." He said, moving closer. "I am in love with your smile. I am in love with your voice. I am in love with your body. I am in love with your laugh. I am in love with your eyes. I am in love with YOU, all of you." he finished breathless.

I couldn't believe my ears. Every time I heard that sacred word leave his lips I blushed. He loved me? Impossible! We've only known each other for about three or four days now so how in the world could anyone just make that declaration! And before I knew it, my lips moved on its own accord. "Anyone can say I love you. It's only how they show you, that you know it's true."

"Then I shall show you."

And he did by connecting our lips in a passionate kiss; well it would have been if I knew how to kiss! I just stood there, wide eyes open and motionless, but even so, he continued. His lips were soft, tender and gentle. He placed his arms around my waist, pulling me slowly toward him. I squeaked at the motion, making him slowly open his eyes and peer into the deepest darkest pits of my soul. He wouldn't look away no matter how much I internally prayed that'd he'd just shut them...but his eyes were so beautiful and they only seemed to intensify as the kiss progressed.

But as the saying goes-all good things must come to an end.

We separated. My eyes were practically bulging out of my eye sockets as my breathing labored. That was my first kiss and I just blew it. I mentally face palmed and berated myself.

I JUST DID THE DEAD FISH KISS!!! For those who do not know what that is I shall happily explain. This is where the person just opens their mouth like a fish and does nothing else; no tongue, no lip pressure or movements-nothing. To sum it all up I was practically laying limp in his arms doing nothing but staring.

The sound of chuckling snapped me out of my mental dilemma. "Who are you talking to?" Alphonso asked.

"Don't tell me I just said that out loud."

"Yeah, you kinda did." He chuckled. "So that was your first kiss, yes? No wonder you didn't respond. Honestly I thought that I was bad or..." He started before blushing.

"Or what?" I asked.

"Or you know...maybe you didn't want the kiss."

I didn't know what to say so I just settled for blushing.

"Avalon...I just want to tell you that I meant what I said and that I will wait forever to hear those words come from your sweet lips. So please... do not respond right now because of the spur of the moment but when you feel the same way I do. Until then, I will happily continue to pursue you with much fervor. As for now, let's go back inside, I have some people who I want you to meet." He extended his arm out in my direction, waiting for me to take his hand.

And I did. The warmth from his hand and the power emitting from his presence made me feel safe, protected...loved.

When we walked back inside, Rèmy, Rafael, Dante, Marcelo, Lorenzo, and Romeo were their to greet us. "I see y'all have gotten back together," started Dante.

"Good because I came here to party so I'm going to start doing that. See ya," said Lorenzo before he left. He had approached a beautiful girl who looked too shy to even talk back to Lorenzo judging from how she kept averting her eyes and playing with her fingers.

"Of all people to talk to he chose Giselle Benedetti." sighed Marcelo. "Anyways I'll meet up with y'all later."

"Deuces." said the rest as they walked up to different women.

"This way Avalon," motioned Alphonso. We were walking toward the older crowd which were situated near the back of the room. They all looked wealthy, powerful, intimidating, etc, but I wasn't about to judge because so far that has not gotten me anywhere in understanding the Rizzolo family. As we were approaching closer and closer, I decided to ask him who we were meeting. "Alphonso, so who are these people you mentioned earlier?"

"Just my family."

His family? But I already met them...unless he was talking about...OH NO, HIS PARENTS!!!

I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Alphonso to turn around and look at me with a concerned look. "Don't tell me you mean your parents."

"Yes I do. As well as my uncle, aunt, and cousins of course. Why?"

"I can't meet them Alphonso!" I deadpanned. Is he serious?

"Trust me Avalon they'll love you. I don't really understand why Americans dread meeting the parents. It's not like they're going to kill you or something." he said. When he looked at me, I could tell that he felt guilty for failing to comfort me in this dire situation so he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Just be yourself."

But who am I though? I forgot the moment he said we were meeting his parents!

We picked up our pace afterwards and all the while my mind drifted to the situation at hand. Things such as, don't mumble; make enough eye contact; and laugh at everything they say, flooded my mind so that I could make a good impression.

I was glaring at the floor and freaking out, wishing with all my heart that this could end soon. But I should have been paying attention because the next thing I knew I had walked face first into a pair of massive boobs.

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