Chapter 08

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"Vicky, seriously stop running," Grace shouts as she tries to catch up with her cousin who even in her high heels can run without falling face first

When Grace figures out it's no use of running she just jumps up on her cousin and both of them fall down with her on top of Vicky.

Vicky groans in pain when she gets tackled down and tries to push Grace away who to their embarrassment does not let her go.

The passer by stops to watch their funny encounter but still Grace makes no move to get up.

"Fine, fine I will not run and talk but please get off already everyone's watching" Vicky complains giving in to Grace who finally gets off her before they both walk to a less crowded place to talk

"I cannot believe you just tackled me down like that, it's so embarrassing" Vicky scolds Grace as she dusts off her clothes while Grace just glares at her

"And I cannot believe that you would do this to me" Grace snaps back in response making Vicky to seal Grace's mouth with her hand

"Ssh... can you not shout it at the whole world? You may not be a known face but I am" Vicky hisses looking around to make sure no one heard them

"Like I give a damn, you told me you were happy with this whole arranged marriage thing and then suddenly you just run off on the very day...

Do you have any clue in how much stress and trouble you left me in and because of you I had to marry yours supposed to be groom" Grace informs her in anger not knowing whether she should snap her cousin's neck or not

"So, what's wrong if you got married instead of me, you had to marry one day anyway you were coming of age and he is fully loaded. It is a win-win situation I think" Vicky states without a care of feeling any guilty for what she did

"I don't care if he is loaded or not, Vicky. If you were not ready to marry, couldn't you have said so to uncle or aunt instead of dragging me into this mess?" Grace asks looking at her incredulously for her attitude

"As if they would listen to me and anyway I am too young to get married anyway," Vicky points out unfairly

"Oh really then how come I am of age when I am younger than you" Grace shouts fuming in anger.

It seems the more Vicky opens her mouth Grace ends up getting angrier, she cannot believe the audacity of the girl who was the reason she is now bound with someone when she has no chance of fully living her life, doing something for herself or falling in love.

Now, here she stands and says, she is too young to marry when she ran off.

"Wait, what did you say?" Grace asks again as her brains starts to work

"What did I say?" Vicky asks stupidly

"The part where you are too young to marry, if you are too young then why did you run away with Spence?" Grace asks rubbing her temple as she can clearly feel a headache listening to her cousin

"Spence, as in my ex boyfriend, oh please, how many times do I have to clear that I have no such feelings for him...

Gosh, we were teenagers when we thought we were in love and all that stuff, it is so overrated now...

It was just a summer fling anyway; I would rather be a nun than marry him. Vicky never turns back to those she left once," Vicky laughs even at the thought of marrying that loser, as she knows there are wealthier persons around.

"Wait, so you mean you didn't run off to Spence?" Grace asks in disbelief hearing Vicky out as she clearly remembers both her uncle and aunt had informed her that Vicky ran off with Spence.

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