Chapter 26

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Nicholas waits for his Pop to take his seat back before he can start. Once Pop, settles down he gets up from his seat and pace around before speaking.

"What do you know about the man Grace's mother re-married to; I mean her step-father?" Nicholas asks him first.

"Of what I know, Grace's mother never married again once her husband died, so I don't know what you are talking about" Pop answers which brings a frown to Nicholas's face.

"Didn't you have people look after Grace once she left with her mother?" he asks confused as how his grandfather did not know about Grace's stepfather.

"No, not for the first few years, with the loss of your father and everything going on in the house my focus was not on Grace....

Once everything settled down then did, I thought of them but I have not had anyone on their trails as Joseph, her uncle said they were fine where they were...

Well, I put men on work, looking after her only after Damien's death when it was decided you will be taking over, still those men that followed her were appointed by her uncle...

Even if I did get weekly report I never saw through it, I always send those reports and files to you directly seeing you were her fiancé and you were more than capable of keeping track on her"

"You mean you didn't choose the men personally to guard Grace?" Nicholas asks surprised.

"Why would I? Her uncle was more than capable of doing for her; I never thought to change the men...

However, why are you asking me all this? I never knew Grace's mother re-married" Pop asks with a frown at this new information.

"Vicky confessed something last night that is the reason why I wanted to talk with you, it seems her father was involved in dad's death along with the man claiming to be Grace's step-father" he gives that information to Pop.

If he had any doubts that the old man was lying about anything it was all gone when he jerks up from his seat all of a sudden in shock.

"What nonsense are you talking, Joseph has been faithful to us, he cannot and Jared was his brother...

I am sure," Pop mumbles to himself before Nicholas walks towards his Pop and makes the man sit down.

"I think we all know that in our work even our own blood will turn against each other and Grace's father Jared he was betrayed by his own brother" Nicholas tries to calm the man.

"Who is Grace's step-father?" Pop asks, as he cannot believe that his own son's murderer was right under his nose and he could not catch the bastard.

"From what I could find out his name is Mason Salmon," Nicholas states as he shows the picture of the man he had in his phone.

Pop takes Nicholas's phone and stares at the phone in shock, his hands shake terribly which makes him drop the phone on the table.

"No, no, he can't...its impossible" Pop whispers to himself, as his whole entity shake within.

"Pop, what's going on? Do you know the man?" Nicholas asks worried seeing his Pop's condition.

"I should have taken care of this beforehand. It's my entire fault," Pop mumbles as he rubs his tired face and slumps on his chair.

"Pop, what is the matter, who is this man? How did you even know him?" Nicholas asks desperately wanting to know about the man who was behind his father's death.

"He is my mistake" Pop finally answers

"What?" Nicholas asks again not understanding what that meant.

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