Chapter 17

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Nicholas rubs his face not knowing what to say or how to explain anything to her when she did not want to hear, so when she silently leaves his office he does not stop her.

He does not even go seek her out even hours after of their fight, not even when she does not show up for dinner.

However, he does go looking for her when he does not find her in their room. With a sigh, he knocks on Nicole's door and asks for Grace who was not in his sister's room as well.

Then he panics, calling Arson he asks if Grace left the house, he finds relief when Arson answers that Grace has not left the perimeter of the house.

Therefore, that only left him with another option, which was her old room.

"When in anger, don't do things that will make you regret or uncomfortable" he comments as soon as he finds his wife in a fetal position on the bed.

When he gets no reply, he braves and moves towards the bed before he lies next to her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulls her close to his body and sighs contently when she does not try to move away or protest.


"I never knew Pop had someone to watch out for you, he did that feeling obligated towards your father and when I found out I didn't try to get those guards away from you because it was normal for me...

It is normal for me to have people on guard, looking out for me, because that is what I have seen and been my whole life...

When Kyle called me informing me about your job, I could have stopped you, you know. However, I did not, you know why?

Because, I did not want to come off as a husband who was a control freak, I want you to like me for who I am, and I want you to make this place as your home not some prison...

When Kyle said you did not want to take any of the cars but the bus, I just did not give it much thought and asked for a bus to be prepared for you to travel...

It would have been weird if you were the only one who took the bus, so I added some of my staffs and guards to make it less weird...

You know, I thought the plan would not even stick for a day but it seems my wife is not good at observing her surroundings and that scares me most of the times...

I never tried to control your life nor will I ever, it was an innocent move from my side to give you what you wanted in however twisted way it looks like, but it was never my intention to hurt you or make you sad...

That bus idea was just so you can feel normal and nothing else, just think about it okay, have I ever asked you to do anything that you did not want to?" he explains his actions slowly all the while she is wrapped in his arms which he was thankful about.

Nicholas sighs heavily as his wife does not reply or move an inch, he does know that she is awake, so when she does not say anything he unwraps his arms and goes to move out of the bed thinking she does not want him there.


"Where do you think you are going?" Grace asks with a pout as she turns around sensing him trying to leave and holds his hand.

"Well, you weren't exactly asking me to stay so" he smiles, before once again, getting back in the bed to their former position.

"I didn't ask you too leave as well after you came," she argues before holding his wrapped hands tightly in her hold.

"Right" Nicholas grins in delight.

"So, what about the part of my dating interference of yours?" she grumbles asking him to explain that as well.

Wife By Choice [Choice Series 1] {Completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat