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-"I told you. Secret can affect your relationship. But you didn't listened to me, you yourself saw everything yesterday." Rehan said while sitting on chair.

-"We all have given her nothing except pain and betrayal. Jay was right that day. And if we'll continue to hide things from her then this time...... No one will be able to bring her back."

-"NO!" I shouts and threw the coffee mug on floor. "I will not let her go anywhere. She has to stay with me."

-"You will force her to live with you? Now how much selfish you will become Faisal?" Fero asked looking at me.

-"You also thinks that I'm selfish?"

-"I don't mean to hurt you Faisal. But honestly speaking...... You are selfish. Because you never thought about anyone else. That girl has left her everything for you. Atleast respect her sacrifices."

-"It's her right to know everything. Just think about everything from her perspective."

-"What if she started hating me?"

-"Why will she hate you? Look at us Faisal. We knows everything about you, do we hate you?" Rehan asked.

-"You and her are different. We are husband and wife. I touches her, kisses her and one day I will make her completely mine but if she got to know that I am an........" I said and got up from chair. "She will hate herself for letting me touch her body. She will think that I'd made her impure. It's better to hide everything from her."

-"You left her after knowing that she can't give you baby?" Fero asked. "This was bigger reason as compared to yours."

-"You thinks like that? Fero my existence will make her feel disgusting." I told him. Rehan came and hugged me. Then he looks at me moving away.

-"I also touched you. Fero, me, mom, dad, we all have touched you. And we don't feels impure. We love you Faisal. But our love is nothing as compared to hers. She loves you more than us. You are the reason of her life. She can never ever hate you. Trust me."

-"Rehan is right Faisal. Tell her everything. Your beautiful life is waiting for you."

-"But David......"

-"We both will take care of him. He will never be able to even lay a finger on her again. Just go and tell her everything." Fero said and pushed me towards door.

-"Go my boy! You can do it!" Rehan shouts and I left my cabin.

You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there. And here water refers to your past. And you're not alone who's drowning here, you're causing me to drown with you. You're playing with me and my life.

I remember her words and move towards elevator. I will tell you everything Jaan. No matter what you will think about me after knowing everything.


I am standing near our picture. Now there is a photo of us here. Our photo which we took on our first date. He said that now it's our room so it has our picture.

-"That is not my ego which is stopping me. That is my fear. Fear to lose you." I heard his voice. He came inside room

-"So you will not tell me anything." I said without turning.

-"I will. I will tell you everything now itself."

"As you know that my mom Ayesha Khan who was an Indian and my dad Richard Wilson, an American met in Sheikh papa and masi's marriage. You always asks that why I looks little American right? My dad was American. They fell in love with each other at that marriage. But my father was in great debt to a big businessman. He didn't had enough money to pay. So that businessman told him to marry his only daughter or he'll be dead. My dad agreed. He married that girl. That girl was very cruel, and a spoiled rich princess. My dad married her but he still loved my mom. So he got her shifted to London after buying a house. That house was the reason for me marrying you on contract."

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