Chapter 15: Shopping is fun if you got beautiful ladies

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Morning, I woke up with Nina besides me still sleeping with a satisfied face. I promise Yuki that I sleep with her tonight but I forgot about it. I will sleep with her later so she won't get jealous again. I wash my face and brushed my teeth, for some reason they also have some toothpaste. Not the toothpaste in our world but it convenient to have this item.

"Good morning Lily! Excuse me for entering." Wino is lively in the morning barging in someone's room; Yuki has this refreshed expression with a blush face? Wh-what did Wino do to make this cool face woman to have a face like that?

"Good morning so what do we have here?" I ask Wino.

"Well half of reason is I want us to dwell in the dungeon again with four of us for 2 weeks! I want to find the path to the level 51st floor. And half of it is I want Nina cooking again." Explain by wino anticipating for Nina's cooking.

"Are you talking of me? Well if you have the main ingredients." Nina peek her face in the bathroom with her saggy breast peek also.

"At least cover your erotic breast before answering as you cow tit masochist!" Shout by Yuki who had her face flash in red.

"I know! It's not like I want to show them to master... but she like it so I don't really mind." She had this tsundere line then sticks her tongue out to Yuki and enter in the bathroom again. guuuh cute!

"This LUSTFUL cow!" Yuki with an angry face in the morning is refreshing too.

"Now now... let's talk about what our plan like I said." Wino suggest again

"Yeah let's do that so we can at least raise our level. I mean among of us I 'am the weakest but now because of this Bracelet of Unity I think power leveling is easy now. Oh I forgot to give one to Nina too." I remember that Nina don't have the bracelet.

"What about me master?" Nina got out on the bathroom with her wet hair and erotic body that only covered by her T-shirt. Because we don't have bra here, so her T-shirt that have been wet by her hair is showing her massive breast a little. Aah it give me a heat in the morning!
"Wait I get the bracelet." I stand and go to the corner where the big treasure chest and got the Bracelet with a topaz gem imbued on it. "Here Nina." I give the bracelet to Nina and she blushed.

"Master? This is, are you giving this to me? Thank you very much." She look at the bracelet with a red face like she got a gift from her boyfriend.

"Don't get the wrong idea we also had the bracelet as yours." Yuki flashed her bracelet with sapphire gem and Wino with emerald gem.

"I'm not really happy and I know already, idiot." She happily wears the bracelet and held her hands up high like she really like it.

"So Nina can we ask you to make our breakfast today? Here an egg and some bacon." Wino handed the ingredient to Nina.

"Sure" and she start some cooking show again. She made an egg based soup and bacon in rice. Wait she can also make some rice?

We eat and talk about what we should do on dungeon, our equipments, some necessities and what food we should bring.

"Uhm... it's late now but are there any underwear stores in this world?" Ask by Nina. Yeah that's right I almost forgotten about it! That's why boys always wanted to spar with girls! We only have one pair of underwear!!!

"Well there is but not as good quality as you have. Mine is order made so it's comfortable but let's go to the clothes store later." Wino explains on us

"And let's do the shopping on same time too." Nina suggest.

"I will get some approval on Sir Harold can you wait me at the adventurers guild?" Wino ask us and we finish our breakfast with a satisfied stomach and a MP up buff and Paralysis resistance.

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