Chapter 26: The Pride of hers

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[Wino's POV]

The dragon and us are just staring at each other so I decided to move first, because my <true form> boosted my speed I got in the front of the dragon in no time and made my first strike using the Lucifer wings hitting it's front leg. I can feel the hardness of its scale that made my hands numb a little. The dragon raises its leg and made a claw attack targeting me so I unsheathed my other sword and made a crossword to withstand the claw.

The claw hit me and it made me step back far from the spot I'm standing at then I saw Yuki flying at the speed of light directly targeting the dragons eye so I made a whirlwind slash using my <wind magic> to distract it but my whirlwind disappear when it hit the skin and the dragon open its big mouth anticipating Yuki's attack, Oh I forgot that dragon had Future sight!

"Yuki! stop" I tried to stop Yuki but I forgot I can't fly! Urgh... Yuki
The big mouth chomped Yuki's body. It almost break my heart because I forgotten about the bad behavior of Yuki! but...

"<Sword dance final stances: Lightning dragon roar>" I saw Yuki at the back of the dragon and a bluish lightning faster than the eyes can see is directly hitting the body of the dragon but it dodge only hitting its right wing. The wing got chop by the sudden lightning that made the dragon roar in anger because it doesn't anticipate that Yuki can damage it. I'm sure she use the <Transfix> of Yuki's dragon fang.
The wound in the dragon's wingless right side froze a little then disappear because of its dragon scale then the dragon faced Yuki with anger and breaths in

"Yuki dragon breath is coming!" I shout on the standing Yuki and suddenly a blazing laser strike on Yuki's spot scorching the floor but because of my <demon eye> I can see Yuki side steps to dodge the breath but the dragon also change the direction of the breath to where Yuki suppose to dodge but the breath is slow and Yuki out speed the sudden change of direction. I used this chance because the dragon is facing its back on me underestimating me and think that I can't damage it so I face my back and nod on Britney who sneakily riding her cloudy bed to the tail of the dragon. Just a tip of the tail is enough to inject the <Lazy venom> but it takes 5 second to infect it.

Yuki is dodging all the violent attack of the dragon so I decide to go and face the dragon too and use dual wielding to attack the dragon. Yuki's attacks are damaging the dragon a little but because of its <dragon blood> it only regenerates.

Sometimes because of the reckless attack of Yuki I oblige to defend her so I use my two swords to receive and deflect all the attack and dodge the fire balls and black flames of dragon.
Britney almost there at the back of the dragon but the dragon suddenly used its tail and hit Britney.

""Britney!"" Lily and Nina hurriedly run towards Britney who flew far away from the dragon

"How dare you!" Yuki releases a sudden burst of sinister aura and disappear even in my <demon eye> what? Don't tell me she is faster than time now? In this frozen world where time stops Yuki's disappeared then suddenly the other wings of the dragon had been chop.

"Grr... I wanted to chop its head but it can even dodge that? Isn't that Impossible?" Yuki next to me speaks while the dragon is now rampaging shooting some fire breath and black flames towards us then suddenly Yuki kneel on the floor holding her blade to support her body.

"Yuki? what's wrong!" I give my shoulder to make her stand up

"Wino I'm sorry but for some reason my feet can't move." While her feet are shaking, isn't it because of your sudden big move? I'm sure her feet can't handle the speed faster than time.

We are in big trouble right now, Yuki who only can damage the dragon is down, Britney who got a direct hit by the dragon had fainted I don't know about her condition but Nina and the almost naked Lily are treating her...
I can't rely on Lily right now because she had the lowest stats on our party and she can only use debuffs and Nina role is only to cast some supportive magic on us and because of the dragon scale their magic attacks won't affect him. Weren't we on the bad spot now? If only Yuki can stand and fight for us right now... wait why I'm relying on her? It's because she is strong... No I'm stronger I defeated her already! No, you are the one who lose you know that in yourself accept it... No! I'm the first one to be trusted by Lily I promised to protect her! I am stronger I am the sword and shield of Lily! You aren't strong enough Yuki is more powerful than you, Nina is more reliable of protecting Lily than you and Britney is smarter than you more cunning... Shut up! I'm more than enough to protect Lily alone! No my vessel you can't even defeat this weak being I'm disappointed on you who is the bearer of the title {Proud Demon King: Lucifer} even more protecting the vessel of Asmodeus is a hard task for you... Shut up shut up SHUT UP! YOU CANNOT EVEN USE MY POWERFUL ATTACK BECAUSE YOU ARE WEAK YOU ARE DOUBTING YOURSELF YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!... Shut up! Aaaaah!

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