Chapter 30: Satan is my Bodyguard? what?

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Yuki, Serenity, Lea, Minho and I are walking on the busy street in the merchant district. By the way the name of the two lackey of Serenity is Lea the long, dark blue haired girl and Minho is the Dark Brown, Bob cut haired girl, they are both pretty but Serenity is more prettier than them, with a reddish pink hair long enough to reach her shoulder, a beautiful tan skin suited for her toned muscle, she is taller than Wino a little, the most important about her is her 3 sizes, her breast has the same size as me, her waist is more buff because it had 6 packs, ah I want to touch them well Wino had some abs too but her abs is well define, and her hip is not so big. If I calculate it I think it’s 83, 70 and 75 aah…

“Uhm… can you stop staring at my body?” Gaah she noticed me

“So-sorry but I can’t help, also call me Lily.” We are now walking towards the restaurant that Britney wanted us to visit.

“Uhm… I call you Lily from now on.” She blushes and tried to look down… kaah she’s cuter when she is docile! I want to devour her!

“Yeah I-I call you serenity if it’s okay for you.” I also got blushed by saying her cute name…

“Hey can’t you stop flirting in public?” Lea with half open eyes

“Hahaha seeing Sere being bashful is really amusing to watch.” Minho laughs while hitting the shoulder of Serenity…

“Big sister Lily we are over here” Britney sitting on a luxurious table outside the building waving her hands.

We are now on the merchant district in the popular restaurant chosen by Britney.

“What is your order beautiful ladies?” The handsome man asks our order and wink on us the only people who reacted are Lea and Minho.

“This, this, this and this.” Britney pointed her order and the handsome man list her order.

“Mine is the special fruit tart.” Nina also pointed her orders

“Mine is this frozen horn fish.” Yuki also demand her order

“I will have this Basilisk tail.” I also told my order

“Serenity and her friends, please order anything you want.” I insisted Serenity

“it’s okay?” She ask facing Britney

“I don’t mind just order what you want.”

“Th-then the same as Lily.” She blushes while saying her orders… I still not used on her passive attitude

“Mine is this grilled Pentapos.” Minho

“Then I will have horned rabbut.” Lea

We happily eat our order while chatting with a topic on our adventure on the dungeon

“I think Nina cooking is better.” I criticizes their dish that maid Nina smile but look away from me.

“That’s right! I remember, why did we get poisoned when we eat the dish she made!” Lea pointed at Nina oh she realize.

“I-I don’t know what you are talking about…” Nina tried to dodge

“No my job is herbalist and I have a skill than can feel any abnormalities in people especially my body!” Ah so her Job is herbalist… a non combatant job.

“Why did you do that?” Serenity frowns on Nina… The angry Serenity is scary but she stills a beautiful girl.

“I will explain everything later so let’s just forget about it later okay?” I tried to calm her down.

“If you say so…” She calm down… you are my dog or something?

“Let’s go to the merchant guild right now!” Britney hurriedly standup and grab my hands. So we went to merchant guild.

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