Chapter 49: I meet her again

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[Lily's POV]

My consciousness returned and I don't know how many hour have pass then suddenly I remember my daughter... and when I open my eyes I'm setting on a throne or something then my arms and waist are tied in the chair also my neck have some choker or something.

I scan the surrounding but I can only see some dark room with a faint of bluish neon light I wonder what kind of room is this.

"Is anyone here? Please answer me, is my daughter alright?" I tried to speak but no one answers me, then suddenly I remember that I have my bracelet with me. Then I look at my arms... none... haa... WHAT KIND OF THRILLER MOVIE IS THIS? I shout internally.

"Oh you have awakened... the holder of Sariel soul." Someone speaks suddenly so I tried to look around and found a woman...

"Pervert is here..."

"Who are you calling pervert!" She whipped the floor with her whip.

"Then a dominatrix?"

"I'm not that sadistic yet!" She retorted

"Then why are you wearing those erotic suits?" I mean she only wears a bra and panty...

"Because this is my race outfit!"

"So all of you are exhibitionist?"

"That's not it! I'm a succubus for god damn sake!" She got tired of retorting.

"What do you want from me? Please take this thing off." I tried to beg her I mean she had the same race as me.

"I can't do that, I mean you are our ace to fight that demon lord." She meant Micha? What do you mean ace? She wanted me to appease my daughter to stop the war?

"If you want to stop the war actually it will about to end."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean the demon lord is my acquaintance actually so I told her that she should stop this pointless war."

"Haa? That demon lord? That cheeky brat who thinks of the demons as a pawn will stop this war because you said so? Hahaha I'm not an idiot." She laughs at me... but I'm saying the truth here!

"I'm telling the truth also I'm a fellow succubus so please untie me here."

"I received the report that you really have the succubus and valkyrie job, I don't know why you have a two job but I will not untie you, I mean we will kill that cheeky brat using that valkyrie job of yours."

"Stop it! Don't kill her... I mean she is my..." I shouldn't tell them that she is my daughter because they will just think I've become crazy... or a hero to have a demon lord child is weird.

"Of course I will not stop, I mean my family, my friends even my lover have been killed because of her reckless demands." But the one at fault here are of all of you in the first place? Micha said that your races betrayed the 7 demon kings.

"Even if you tell me that I will not follow you." I tried to deny her

"Don't worry because I will just brainwash you and become our puppet." She suddenly takes off her bra...

"He-hey wha-what are you doing, you really a pervert!?" I tried to look away but her big pink nipples are standing at me.

"Que-quiet! I can't help it but this is the easiest way to enslave people." She started to put her hands on my dress pink jacket and open it. I-I'm not really against it because this woman is a beauty and sexy too, but I got alerted when she said she is trying to brainwash me.

"He-hey stop it... uhm..." She kissed me and her tongue is invading my mouth but because of the heat of the moment instead I use my tongue too to fight with her instead of struggling that makes her eyes open wide.

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