Chapter 32: Excuse me? can you please repeat?

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[Micha Hella’s POV]

I’m sitting on my throne inside of my demon castle created by my mother the Madness King: Satan waiting for the report of my servants.

When my mother got killed by the Hero Sariel 300 years ago I’m still 17 that time and I can’t help my mother because I’m weak the only thing I can do is follow the Order of my other mother Asmodeus to hide myself together with the minion of my aunt Belphegor. They hide me inside the castle and Belphegor Minion teach me everything, train me and made me strong until I can make my revenge on the filthy people of this world and the scum Heroes who killed my family. My other half sisters are also been hidden by our Mother Asmodeus and they keep their location a secret to protect us until we become strong, I don’t have any idea of what happen to my other sisters but I’m sure they alive My Mother give us protection after all before she died.

100 years later I become strong now I made myself known as the new Demon lord and enslave the entire demon who betrayed my parents and sold us to filthy humans. I made them my pawns and made them attack the countries of filthy humans we destroy little by little the other countries like the dwarf country, Dragon race country and the country of fairies but my force is not enough to totally destroy the beast men country because the ravage animals have a mythical beast called Theamath the Dragon who said roam the sky and become a pet of that scum Hero with a job of a Beast master his name is Sandalphon.

The dragon is strong that my army cannot handle it so I personally fight the dragon but the dragon it’s so strong that I only wounded it and it annihilate my army so we withdraw for now and make my army stronger.

I keep myself low and challenge some dungeon on the ruin countries and find some treasure I can use to strength my army and I found my mother Asmodeus weapon in the ruined castle of the filthy dwarves. The {The enslavement whiskers} it’s a whip type weapon used by my mother to enslave some beast and follow her orders so I roam the whole continent to find strong beast and I found hydra the three headed dragon near at the infinite scorch volcano, this dragon is a mythical beast stronger than Theamath. With this I can finally destroy that country and make my revenge for my family.

So I waited for more hundred years to train my army and made them stronger then a shocking news had been delivered by my servant.

“Majesty the La grant kingdom had summoned some heroes.” Said by my trusted servant who follows me for over 300 years a pure breed vampire who was my mother friend and she is the one who adopt me.

“Meldhita is that true? The filthy human had summoned some heroes again?” I confirm

“Yes your Majesty, our spies had confirmed it when they entered the dungeon of Virgo.” She reported while kneeling in front of me.

“Then hasten the march and release the air troop while the foolish Heroes are still inside the dungeon! By the way how many heroes they summoned? 3? 7?” I ask the important question because my family the 7 Demon king had faces 7 heroes.

“It is hard to say but your Majesty but this time they summoned 21 heroes.” What?

“What! It’s three times than what they summoned 300 years ago! Did you confirmed their jobs?” the report of meldhita makes me standup on my throne

“The confirmed job is the Hero, Saint, Executioner, Samurai, Beast tamer, Enchanter and Sage. The others are just common job of this world.” This is bad my armies are not ready to face the heroes

“Hey you didn’t mention the Valkyrie.” This is important because the valkyrie are the job who guides the Heroes to victory and the one who killed my mother is that damn Valkyrie!

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