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Kash and I were almost done getting ready to hit up this party one of her homegirls suggested.

I was wearing a black tube top, a black skirt, and some fur boots. Not really my usual style, but Kash was all about me "showing some skin."

Though the outfit didn't make me uncomfortable at all; in fact, I felt more confident and ready to show out.

I kept thinking about the fact that Kash wanted me to forget about Kee, but personally, I knew I couldn't just erase him from my thoughts. I had attachment issues that were hard to shake off.

I kept mulling over Kash's words, feeling torn between her advice and my own feelings. While part of me understood her concern and wanted to listen to her advice, another part of me couldn't simply brush off the connection I felt with Kee. It wasn't just about attachment; it was about, the moments of laughter and intimacy that lingered in my memories. Despite the ups and downs, there was a familiarity with Kee that I couldn't ignore, a comfort in his presence that I found difficult to replace. As much as I wanted to move on, the thought of letting go completely almost felt impossible.

As I pondered my inner conflict, Kash interrupted my thoughts with a remark about the party we were about to attend. "Girl, you better be ready for tonight! it's time to get crunk" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she adjusted her own outfit in the mirror.

She walked over and enveloped me in a hug, her warmth and reassurance grounding me in the present moment. "Come on, Tonight, we're leaving all that drama behind and just gonna have some fun," she encouraged, her words filled with genuine care and determination to lift my spirits. With a grateful smile, I nodded in agreement, ready to embrace the night ahead with a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation.

It was around 8 PM when we hopped inside the Uber making our way to the party.

As we hopped out of the car, I looked around at the area, taking in the scene before us. People were scattered around, some lounging on the front steps, while others congregated near the gate, their laughter mingling with the loud bumping of the music. The air was thick with the scent of weed, Despite the dim lighting and the sense of chaos, there was an undeniable energy in the air, promising a night filled with excitement. Turning to Kash with a grin, I knew we were in for a time tonight.

As we stepped inside, the pulsating music enveloped us, adding to the vibrant ambiance of the party. I scanned the room and spotted a table stocked with an array of drinks. Opting for something lighter, I decided to go for the jello shots, knowing I didn't drink as much. Meanwhile, Kash wasted no time and went straight for the Henny, eager to kick off the night with a bold choice. With our drinks in hand, we joined the lively crowd, ready to immerse ourselves in the festivities.

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