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I made my way over to Hakeem, trying to push Kee's cryptic warning out of my mind. As I approached him, a smile spread across his face, and he greeted me with a warm embrace.

"Hey beautiful ," he said softly, his eyes searching mine for any sign of distress. "Everything okay?"

I nodded, forcing a smile despite the turmoil brewing inside me. "Yeah, everything's fine," I replied, though I couldn't shake the feeling that Kee's words had unsettled me more than I cared to admit. But for now, I focused on the comfort of being with Hakeem, grateful for his presence amidst the chaos of the night.

"that's your boyfriend?" he asked hands behind his back suddenly seeming shy

I noticed the shift in Hakeem's demeanor as his smile slowly faded, replaced by a look of uncertainty. His question caught me off guard, and I hesitated for a moment before responding.

"No, he's not," I replied, feeling a pang of guilt for not being more upfront about my relationship status earlier. "We're just friends," I added, hoping to reassure Hakeem that there was nothing between me and Kee, despite their brief interaction.

As I met Hakeem's gaze, I could see the tension in his expression, and suddenly it dawned on me. He had seen Kee kiss my forehead right in front of him, and it must have left him feeling uneasy.

"I know it looked weird," I began, my voice soft as I tried to explain. "But Kee and I.. we're not- i'm single."

I searched Hakeem's face for any sign of understanding, hoping he would believe me and not jump to conclusions. But deep down, I knew that the situation was far from simple, and it would take more than a few words to untangle the web of emotions between me, Kee, and now Hakeem.

Hakeem nodded, though the disbelief lingered in his eyes. Despite my attempts to explain, I could sense his doubt, and it left me feeling uneasy.

"I understand if it's hard to believe," I said, my voice tinged with frustration. "But, just trust me when I say there's nothing between me and Kee."

I reached out to touch his arm, hoping to convey the sincerity of my words. But, I knew that convincing Hakeem would be hard, especially with Kee's unexpected display of affection still fresh in his mind.

"Honestly, it doesn't bother me," he shrugged, his tone casual. "I know how to play my role, Tey."

His words hung in the air, and for a moment, I wasn't sure how to respond. I chose to take his words at face value, grateful for his understanding, even if it was tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Right... okay," I responded quietly, watching as Hakeem grabbed a drink from the table. The fading music signaled the end of the party, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me as everyone began to gather their things.

"Look" Hakeem pointed with his head I turned around at Hakeem's gesture to see Kash, definitely drunk, dancing against the wall. A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched her, feeling a sense of fondness for her carefree spirit despite the chaos of the night.

As Kash stumbled, I instinctively reached out to steady her, feeling her weight lean heavily against me. "damnnn," I said, trying to keep her upright as she leaned into me for support.

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