chapter ten | balcony

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Amelia Scott

Falling asleep is getting more and more difficult everyday, the moment I close my eyes pictures of Cole show up in my head. Him speeding down the highway, threatening me to kill us both if I don't do what he says. That feeling hurt more than the actual slap, the mental pain hurt more than anything.

I'm not afraid, I am fucking terrified of him. Even if everyone is right next to me, I feel like I can't breathe. I don't feel safe anywhere. I haven't been out of the house by myself all week, everywhere I go either Zara or Aiden accompany me, like a fucking bodyguard. They think that Cole will come after me even if I breathe by my own. Maybe they are not wrong, either way we can't risk it.

Xander hasn't reached out to me at all, not a call, not a text. Since last week that we went for breakfast we haven't talked at all. I know it's not supposed to hurt, but it does. Seeing him with that girl, Rose, broke my heart into pieces, even if I hid it too well. Damn it was already in pieces, maybe I am a bit over dramatic, no I am fine.

I am going crazy.

Maybe she's interested in her, seriously interested. Is he going to settle down for her? Oh, God. This week is so fucked up, everything is messed up.

My parents really decided to visit us in the worst week possible. That's right, papa and mama are here, they've been staying in one of our houses out of town.

It's nothing but the truth that my parents are truly wealthy, papa owns an impressive amount of nightclubs all across Europe and mama is one of the greatest psychologists in Italy. Many clients travel from all around the world for her.

I am so proud of being called their daughter. My dad came from a pure family, his parents
-my loving grandparents- did everything for the wellbeing of him and his sister. They always put their education first, they've always wanted to succeed in any career they would pick. Grandpa, would always tell them to work hard to achieve what they actually deserved.

When papa graduated from the business administration department, he started working two time jobs for about two years. After that when he finally managed to collect some money, he bought a place and turned into a nightclub in the centre of Florence. Two years later, he met my mama and they started a family.

My mama, used to be working as dancer in one of his club, I am not ashamed of my mama's past and neither is she or papa. To say the truth, I couldn't be any more proud of the limits my mom reached for her dreams.

Anyways, my mama grew up just with her mother in a small town in Italy, practically a village. Her father, was killed in an "accident" the moment she turned ten, however this is a story only my mama can tell.

Both of my parents helped each other when they were at the lowest. That's why they ended up together because they didn't let life tear them apart.

Both of them are my role models for uncountable reasons.

Since it's finally Friday night, well typically it's three in the morning and I don't think that anyone in the campus is up this late and everyone is at the frat parties. Well probably the second thought.

I decide to get up and go for a walk, to clear my mind. I put on a black hoodie and keep my sleepwear pants on, a pretty awesome pink shorts covered with little dinosaurs. I don't mind my appearance right now and just fix my hair in a high ponytail.

As I am leaving my dorm, I am trying to be as quiet as possible so Zara doesn't realise my absence later. I'm pretty sure she'll be really judgy of me going out alone this late.

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