no, nothing good starts in a getaway car

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"We were jet set Bonnie and Clyde, until I switched to the other side. It's no surprise I've turned you in, 'cause us traitors never win,"

"Why are you looking me like that?" I asked, rising my right eyebrow.

"I can't stand you," Engfa said with a devilish grin on her face.

I feigned my expression of insult, putting my hand on my chest for a dramatic effect, "How dare you!"

She chuckled at me and she scratched her nose, one of her cutest mannerisms that I adore. She tends to scratch her nose when she blush. "You're so beautiful, that's why I can't stand you, Love." she said.

We were at the rooftop of her apartment, stargazing. I was sitting in the blanket that she laid out on the ground while her head was in my legs. I scratched her head because of her silliness. "Corny," I teased.

"Hey, that wasn't corny. It's sweet!" she complained and attempted to sit up but I tickled her neck. "Hey! That's foul!"

I laughed. "That wasn't foul, Miss Romantic-wanna-be,"

"I AM a romantic. Admit it," she pinched my cheeks, "Want me to show how romantic I am?"

"I'd like to see you try," I smirked.

She pushed herself up with her elbows and then slowly went to kiss me. It was gently at first, sweet and gentle. "Does that change your mind?" she whispered, her lips slightly touching mine when she talked.

"Hm," I smiled then kissed her again. It was passionate. We made out just like that for some time when we heard the door if the entrance opened. I jolted and slightly pushed Engfa away from me before looking at the person who just entered the rooftop. "Did she see us?" I whispered to Engfa.

Engfa laughed and went to lay on my thighs again. "Are you shy?"

"Aren't you?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "What if she saw us kissing? She might freak out and think that we're having sex in here,"


I rolled my eyes and pinched her arm a little, "Naughty!"

Engfa and I were seeing each other for 3 months now since our sparkling night of encounter on the bar. Fortunately, Engfa's bold enough to ask me on a date the very first night that we met and I immediately said yes to her.

I've known Engfa for 3 months now. And in those 3 long months, she already introduced me to her mother and her brother. I know her friends, too. I am close with her band mates and I often tag along with them on their gigs around town. Yes, we also had sex already. In the first month of our relationship, we've already become intimate. Engfa's great.

She's so great, she made me forget her for a while.

"So, what do you think about you introducing me to your mother?"

My stomach turned with that question.

Was that necessary?

Of course! She introduced you to her family, why deny her wish to meet yours? Said the conscience inside my head.

"Don't you think it's too early for that?" I tried to avoid the topic but she keep on pushing it. It's not that I don't want her to meet my mom. My mom's also not the issue here. In fact, if Engfa meets my Mom, they'll probably click. Engfa's a people person, she's good at making people adore her. She's just like that, very holistic and sociable. So, those are not the reason.

I just... I just feel like this... Engfa and I... are not on that stage yet.

I like Engfa. But I just feel like it's too early for that. Meeting the parents, I mean. It's just, it makes me think that if I let her meet my family that our relationship status will be very serious.

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