Chapter 16

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Walking down the grass,Chloe looked up to see the petals fall slowly towards her,she reached out her hand to catch the beautiful petals and felt a sense of joy seeing it land on her palm but that joy was replaced to sadness when the petals where blown away by the wind.

With a sigh Chloe sat down at a bench that was placed on her right side, leaned her back and closed her eyes. After the party, Chloe ask Leo to take me home, she has not talk to him since and it's been 3 days.

In those 3 days she has been processing what had happened half of the dreams she had already happened,she came back from England everything was chaotic, the man she loved for 13 years confessed he loves someone else ,her business is being interrupted for just beating a woman who stole her fiancee and her parents not wanting her to withdraw her engagement.If it was before she would just brush all off as a coincidence but since the party she knew she needed to do something, Chloe started to doubt her parents,her fiancee, the dreams she had ,has shown her that in the perspective of an outsider that something is very wrong with the life she's been living.

Thinking back, all the things that happened really stressed her out and she's panicking right now, the dream Chloe had a terrible ending though some doesn't match like how the dream Chloe was taken advantage off and also how she became close to Leo.

She doesn't know what to do, at first she always dreams about a woman crying asking for someone to help her, she doesn't know why but she felt hurt and she wanted to cry whenever she dreams of that woman she always feels like that woman wanted to tell her something but she wakes up after the sound of gun shots.

Then the following dreams keeps getting realistic , some of it even happened from the past.

Chloe felt scared but she knew this dreams may come true, especially now that one of the dreams almost happened at that party. She needed someone to talk to.Chloe took out her phone and looked at her contacts she saw many but she still scrolled through all of them and finally her hands stopped and press call


Leo who just finished showering Heard his phone ringing and picked it up, he was slightly taken a back at the name on the screen but returns to his usual smiling face and accepted the call.

Chloe received a calm gentle greeting after the call connected unconsciously relaxed she politely greeted back.

("...Do you need something?")

("Hmm why do u ask?")

("Nothing I just didn't expect u to call me, it's been three days, are you alright .")

("... u said last time I could call u if I wasn't feeling okay"))

Leo turned stiff and chuckled

(("Ohh right! so is something wrong??")

Chloe hesitated before replying

("Well I just want to ask, what do you usually do when your overwhelmed by emotions??")

("Feeling overwhelmed by emotions? Can u elaborate what type of emotions are u referring to?")

("Umm...well ... negative emotions?like having doubts and starting to panic...")

The further Chloe explained the more her voice weakens, she felt embarrassed

Leo listening to her explanation,seems to understand something he quickly wore his jacket and took his car keys

("Where are you right now?")
Chloe was confused but told Leo her location

("Wait for me... don't leave where you are.")

Chloe was shocked but obediently waited , she felt that her behavior was strange, she seems to have trust in Leo

She doesn't understand but she felt like she can rely on him, curious to what that feeling is called she immediately took out her phone and searched it on Google

She scrolled down and after minutes of research she finally found the answer she's been looking for.

....."A friend??" She muttered

Her thoughts where interrupted when a figure suddenly stood Infront of her, she looked up and was stunned to see Leo looking at her smiling

"That was fast..."

Leo sat down beside her and leaned his back on the bench

"Surprisingly your location was just outside my apartment"


Chloe looked at the person beside her who was wearing plain clothes, she realized how this guy really looks good, he's charm is really unique the exact opposite of Sebastian, actually for some reason she likes the calming aura Leo gives off especially his scent

Realizing what she was just thinking Chloe was stunned
By her thoughts, she shook her head denying her thoughts

Leo who was looking at Chloe stood up after seeing her distracted, he stood Infront of her and extended his hand

Chloe was confused by this action and looked at him while tilting her head, Leo just smiled at her.

"Let's go on a date"



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