Chapter 4

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Islammed the door behind Jared and sank against it, my heart racing with fear and disgust. Was I cursed? Because it certainly felt that way at the moment. Between Jared and Kevin, I'd won the award for most asshole interactions in a day.

Rubbing my face, I took some deep breaths, feeling violated and powerless.

Think, think, think...

At that moment, my phone buzzed. No one ever called or texted me unless it was about work, so I quickly pulled it out to look at it. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Give me a second chance, babe...and I'll blow your mind.

I stared at the text for a moment in disbelief. Was today national douchebag day, when everyone came out of the woodwork? Which creep was texting me? Kevin? Sleazy Jared? Someone else I didn't know?

I moved to put down my phone and ignore it...but then I changed my mind.

Not in a million years could you blow my mind, I typed back angrily. Setting the phone down, I felt strangely better.

The phone buzzed. We both know that's not true, the text read.

What a conceited asshole. Of course, he would think he was God's gift to women. I could just picture both Kevin and my landlord sending these texts to some poor girl.

We both know your penis is barely visible in the light, let alone enough for a vagina.

There was a longer silence after this response, and I moved to set my phone down again, satisfied I had successfully embarrassed him.

If this was your attempt to get a dick pic, it actually almost worked, the text read when it came in.

I sat down on my bed in a huff, snorting to myself. The last thing any girl wanted was some guy's wrinkled old balls on their phone.

I'll pass, I wrote back. Old wrinkled balls are not my thing.

Unknown: See, now I feel like you've been stalking me. How did you know being insulted turns me on?

A grin snuck onto my face. This guy may resemble my landlord, but at least he was funny.

If I'd known you were actually interesting, I would've shown up last night, the next text read, and my grin quickly faded. Who the fuck was this guy?

Well, I knew you were uninteresting. So I didn't bother showing up either, I quickly typed out.

My homework started calling for me then. As much as I'd enjoyed the brief reprieve, I knew it was time to get back to work. Especially if I was going to have to find another place to live. I didn't make enough to come up with a first and last months' deposit right now—and I knew I wouldn't get my deposit back from Jared obviously—so finding somewhere that didn't require that was going to cut into my already non-existent time.

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