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My cell rang, and I winced when I saw who it was.

"Monroe, darling," my boss purred. Crap, I already knew what she was calling about. Clarice was the head of the catering company I worked at, and the only time she deigned to speak to me was when she needed employees.

And I'd already worked every night this week.

"Hey Clarice, what do you need?" I asked, assuming my professional voice.

"I just need one little itsy, bitsy favor from you, dear..."


"We got called in last minute to cover some fancy party downtown. Apparently, the other company didn't have suitable vegan options, so you know it's one of those parties. It'll take twice as much staff as usual to cover it, and I'm short. Can you help out?" She was presenting it like a question, but I knew Clarice well enough to hear the warning in her voice. If I didn't say yes, I wouldn't be working for her anymore.

"Of course. I can be downtown in an hour," I responded, feeling like I was going to burst into tears because I was so fucking tired.

"Make that forty minutes, please," she snapped, before rattling off the address like she was doing me a favor.

Clarice hung up without a goodbye. I sighed and hopped off my bed, the weight of the day heavy on my shoulders.

Here we go again...

* * *

Forty minutes later, I'd made it downtown, having to use precious funds to catch a cab since there were no buses that could get me there on time.

I walked up the stairs of the back entrance of the hotel, into the familiar scene of a kitchen filled with a whirlwind of activity, with cooks yelling and pans clattering. It was a different kitchen with every gig, but there was always the scent of searing meat mixed with the tang of fresh herbs and spices, creating a mouth-watering aroma that lingered in the air. Despite the chaos, there was a method to the madness, with each of the company's chefs working in perfect synchronization to create culinary masterpieces that drove guests crazy. It was a symphony of culinary talent, a well-choreographed dance of pots and pans that was nothing short of mesmerizing.

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