Chapter 8

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"So, have you met the mystery girl yet?" Ari asked, throwing a puck at me as I slid on my skates.

I caught it and grinned. "Soon."

He raised an eyebrow. "So you're still talking to her? Dude. Don't be surprised when you find out your mystery girl is actually a 60-year-old nudist named Frank."

I rolled my eyes, a small smirk on my lips. "Don't worry, she's real..."

"So, you have met her?"

I forced my grin to fade away. Ari had known me for a long time, but the fact that I was basically stalking the girl at this point would come as a definite surprise to him.

I mean, fuck, it was still a surprise to me.

I had to put my gloves in front of me to try to hide the hard on I had just from thinking about our conversation last night.

I'd been catching glimpses of her every day since I'd gotten her address, but hearing her voice, the kind of voice that broke your heart and body, had me losing my mind even fucking more. It was like an angel's, one that was dirty, with a light smoke to it that gave her innocence the lust filled undertone that would make any man desperate.

I could understand her classmate tricking her into a date.

Like I told her, desperate men do desperate things.

I could understand it, but it didn't mean I was going to let it happen.

Once I'd allowed myself to fall over the cliff of insanity, it wasn't a big deal to get to the step of tracking her whereabouts so I always knew where she was. When she'd texted me at the restaurant, I'd used my special app to figure out exactly what restaurant she was at...and then it was a simple phone call to buy it out for the night...starting immediately.

When I'd called the owner, he'd almost choked to death at the number I'd offered him to close for the evening, but of course he wouldn't understand; there wasn't a number too high when it came to my girl.

I should've stopped there, but hearing the fear in her voice when she'd called me...that's how her douchebag classmate ended up in the alleyway afterwards, my fists destroying his face. I'd been wearing a ski mask, and I'd never spoken, so I wasn't in any danger there...But I'm sure she might have questions when she saw him in class next time sporting two black eyes.

I skated onto the ice, the sound of blades against the cold surface echoing through the arena.

My mind was supposed to be focused on practice, but all I could think about was her. The girl with the wavy black hair and green eyes that had captured my soul.

"Yo, earth to Linc, you playing?" Ari chided, breaking me out of the daze I'd fallen into thinking about dream girl.

It slipped out last night, but it was an apt description for this girl who had embedded herself under my skin.

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