The Therapeutic Effects of Tea - Part 4

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The Therapeutic Effects of Tea          

Part  4

by sloanranger

The Army put Ernie in the motor pool right off.

It turned out he had a regular knack for fixing motorcars and it kept him far from the front and the fighting. He had got close enough to see the effects of the gas though, 'orrible stuff, that.

The Yanks came over after a bit or who knows how long it might have gone on. Sibley decided to stay in the army after the war. His Mum was gone, so there was no reason to leave.

He remained and meant to retire out in twenty years, but two things happened to deter him from his full pension. He never made Sergeant and he thought that he had earned it after sixteen years of hard work - and almost getting shot at.

In addition, there had been a bit of trouble about some tools that had gone missing from the motor pool.

Considering what was happening now in Europe, Ernie did not leave a day too soon. The Krauts were never happy about that Treaty in Versailles, not by a bloody long shot. And that paperhanger Hitler was stirring up all kinds of trouble.

Besides, Ernie thought he would have no trouble getting work fixing motorcars.

He was very good.

(To be continued).          

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