The Therapeutic Effects of Tea - Part 9

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The Therapeutic Effects of Tea               

by sloanranger            

Part 9

Of a certain age, the ladies felt safer with a man they trusted about the house and were content with the arrangement.

"It has turned out well, don't you think, Vern?"

"Splendid Vi, except for the incident with the hollyhocks."

The first time the sisters had put him to work in the garden, he had clipped the hollyhocks alongside the hedgerow. "The man cannot tell a tulip from a turnip."

"Now, Verna," Viola smiled.

"A pea from a pansy," her sister continued. "Or a rose from a rutabaga."

"Stop it, Vern," Vi tittered.

Becoming serious then, Verna added: "It's what comes from children being brought up in flats."

"I doesn't matter, Vern. I do so enjoy working in my garden."

It had turned out very well for Sibley too and he knew it. Free room and board in a nice house and the ladies did the cooking.

Except on Saturdays, Ernie made bangers and mash on Saturdays. Best of all, he was soon taking the car on errands for the sisters.

(To be continued).

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