The Therapeutic effects of Tea - Part 15

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The Therapeutic Effects of Tea

by sloanranger

Part 15

They found Ernest like that the next morning, snuggled under the rug in the back seat of the car he so loved, holding in his hands the empty teacup.

He hadn't had a chance to throw up. After he drank his tea, Ernest Sibley's heart had stopped... rather quickly and quite finally.


Viola felt terrible. "Oh, Vern, I really should have warned him about the yew tree. I saw him with all manner of weeds in his mouth."

"I don't think we need to feel responsible Vi," Verna said. "Who on earth doesn't know about yews?"

"Well you said it yourself dear, about being brought up in flats."

"I do feel sorry about his lady friend with nowhere to go, Vi. We'll have to offer her the downstairs bedroom."

"How kind, Vern. Ernest would be so pleased. Do you have any idea how to reach Agnes - or his father?"

"No dear, but I believe he's got a bag on the top shelf of his closet. Perhaps there will be an address there."

The End (?)

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