WattPad Extras: Interview with Cast and Crew A.

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A/N This isn't part of the book. It's a special extra specifically for wattpad our readers. Look for more interviews in future updates

Photo: Reb early conceptual sketch for Jenny+ Spider Robot.

"Hi my name is James I am the hobo in chapter one the new book by RK Adams and Rebeca Moreau. I'm on the set of the book their all ready calling in #65 in Science Fiction and which many critics are saying is redefining the whole dystopian/comedy/scifi/romance genre. "I'm a Cyborgs pet". With me today Is RK Adams @The-Scrivener and Rebecca Moreau @RebMoreau" the figure said looking highly out of place in the hospital recovery unit of Factory 7.

"RK Adams" said James looking at his notes "Do you mind if I call you RK? Your characters seem to do that?"

"Feel free" said RK relaxed in his black polo neck and black genes like a cheap Steve Jobs ripoff.

"Miss Moreau"

"Everyone calls me Reb" said Reb smiling at the tidy old hobo.

"Reb, well could I open about how this book came about?"

"Well RK and I know each other off line and RK got all excited about WattPad so I had to have a look. I came across RK's brief work called 'Days of Past Future'. I quite liked it's quite ironic and witty so I messaged RK and said how much I enjoyed it. We got to talking and we both decided that the dystopian/comedy/scifi/romance genre was a little stale and perhaps we could collaborate to make something very WattPad-ish in the dystopian/comedy/scifi/romance genre."

"I notice your avoiding the use of the industry term Dycomsirom" said James.

"Yes I hate made up words like Dycomsirom it's the bane of my life" said RK "it's about creating layers between the reader and the writer. What drew me to WattPad was the reintegration of reading and writing in to a new kind of synthetic system. Terms like Dycomsirom are just jargon used to exclude people." Said RK

"RK how have you found working with Reb?" said James rather quickly.

"Reb is a brilliant comedy writer. I don't get all the references my self but so often much of her writing is literally laugh out loud funny. It's been a pleasure working with her, writing can be a difficult process but together I've found this the most painless work since The Clockwork princess" said RK sitting back

"I've found RK very reassuring to work with. He understands the demands of Dystopian Science Fiction far more than I do. RK really handles the over all plot, sets and special effects. He also handles all the complexities of WattPad ,I don't really understand. RK is also wonderful with our imaginary characters. I don't think I could coax Jenny, Kayla and Joe into those very revealing descriptions on my own." said Reb smiling.

"Speaking of Dystopian how hard is writing satirical dystopian fiction ?"

"That's more RK's field than mine. RK" said Reb.

"Well James. I find getting the balance difficult. For example in chapter 2 we have a section where feral car's on cruse control start to run people over. In the original shot we also had car's sneeking into people's garages and killing them by running their motors into the air-conditioning units inlets. While this is an accurate portrayal of what America's cars would do if they turned on the wider population, it didn't seem very funny so we cut it." RK said staring directly at James and trying to not look at the reader.

"On that subject if I can interrupt for a moment RK. The numbers in chapter 2 40,000 people killed and 2.3 million injured don't sound like comic numbers." said James doing his best to be a hard hitting investigative reporter.

"No 40,000 are the number of Americans killed on the roads each year in 2013. It was an ironic number - if you think the robots are evil for killing 40,000 then how do you feel when it's the actual numbers of people killed? If you would fight against robots for killing that many, would you be as active to if it was just by accident. What if the robots only kill accidentally would that make it OK?" said RK.

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