Chapter 46 him/I'm forced to play with him

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A/N - Where is chapter 45 ? It's been moved to deleted scenes ( see the text there ). It was possibly the funniest chapter of the book but it spoilt the mood.


New Washington 2.0/Rockwood hall/Room 404

Jenny's POV

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I too have discovered I am a global laughing stock due to video on YouTube. I too have visited the last mall, humanity will ever build, been slipped some very dodgy perfume by an enslaved member of 1D. I too have nearly been part of a major air accident and discovered that her boss is a vampire and is currently having the aromatic psychotropic equivalent of having her head held over a toilet seat while being dressed as a mermaid. I know, I am so the every girl aren't I ? 24hours with him wasn't dull if a little life threatening.

I thought about this while the clothes printer stripped me and printed new clothes on me. It was coming to the end of my first day as a 'pet'. Rockwood had ordered me to change from the shreds of my mermaid 'water play' swimming costume into something less comfortable. When I got out the sun was setting over the city. The machine city didn't really notice things like sun. Time of day was only for nature and not machines. The city never slept, never dreamt and so never had nightmares.

I stepped carefully out of the dressing machine in a white slave catsuit. This one was stretchy it felt like wearing a onesy. I turned round to discover the clothes he had selected resulted in a tail. Strangely this was the same reason I stopped my mother from dressing me. It could be worse, who knew what the robots got up to behind closed firewalls.  

I was also a bit apprehensive by what Rockwood meant as a present.

"What's with the tail?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking of nailing you to the ceiling and then each time someone came in and asked me what you were doing, I could say 'well they were thereby hangs a tail;'" said Rockwood.

"Very funny," I said.

"You Think?" said Rockwood.

"Hang on let me find out" I said lifting my hand to my ear as if I was making a phone call "it's ringing... hello is that Comedy Central.... Oh you were destroyed during the robot apocalypse? That's okay I've got a quick question for you. Is nailing a woman to the ceiling just so you can make a cheese pun on about tails that she's got attached to, funny ?.... I don't know I'll ask. How tall is the ceiling?"

"About 18 meters," said Rockwood.

"About 18 meters," I said to my pretend phone "no I don't know what that is in feet either.... Okay....uhuh... yes.. I'm not sure about early thirties... Okay... okay thanks I'll tell him"

I put my pretend phone down, "bad news this is not funny at all.. Sorry. They said I should  throw this phone at you but it doesn't exist I so won't bother" I said.

"That's kind of you," said Rockwood.

"We try," I said picking up my tail in my hand.

#6502 came in carrying an ornate wooden and metal box. She was followed by two chairs and a low table which moved by themselves. It was a strange furniture parade.

 Rockwood waved his hand mystically. The walls filled with an image as if room 404 had become a huge library. I had always wanted to live in a library. Or at least have a large library, somewhere I could retreat to, well lit with a comfortable chair and books from floor to ceiling stacked tightly, so high that you would have one of those ladders which ran along a rail to reach them, oh and a swimming pool and a pony, OK I was 9 at the time alright?  In one corner he had an animation of a fireplace showing a roaring fire.

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