Chapter 85/Resistance/The secret of the new mechanical order

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A/N  photo- cyber sheep another fabulous week with our best Sunday ever for new reads. From our votes last week Emily is clearly the winner as Jenny's daughter. Thanks for everyone who left a comment for any name. We are rapidly running towards the finale and the mother of all revelation endings, it's not far now  and we think you can guess who we might meet again.

Ventilation duct 9/Slaughter Pens/Forward cyber command post 40,322

It wasn't a way out but quietly I crawled along the vent to investigate the noise. I looked down in to what seemed to be a temporary military command post. The room was full of screens, I could see cyber sheep standing in front of the screens and as far as I could tell they were playing Call of Duty. The graphics on these games seemed incredibly good, the places seemed incredibly realistic. I'm not sure how the sheep were controlling the games but I could see a crosshair targeting dogs and shooting them. Mostly the game seemed to centre around shooting feral dogs. It was like watching a room full of teenage boys at some Call of Duty LAN party. They would switch between military chatter and banter.

"Alpha one nine clear to engage target" followed by "OMG did you see that head!"

The sheep would laugh hysterically when something weird happened to a body.

The stench was awful, it really did smell like a teenage boys Call of Duty party. All they needed was  stale pizza and a complete break down of any moral authority and this could have passed for most joystick jocks notion of heaven, but with wool and curly horns.

the chatter continued.

"Splash one bogie"

"Did you see that one it literally exploded, well at least it's head did, oh my god that was so hilarious"

I hate it when sheep miss use the term literally. 

"Die dog scum!"

"Watch me when I get this one. watch this. ... ha ha ha that was awesome"

A screen much closer to me came on, and the sheep in front of it joined in. He was hunting a dog. Then I realised that the graphics were really too good. The dog body movements they were shooting at seemed far to natural. Suddenly it all came to one huge conclusion. The sheep weren't playing some kind of computer game they were controlling remote drone troops.

Then I saw the big picture, this was how the artificial intelligences overcame their limitations. The machines didn't have to kill people, they used the cyborg animals to kill people. The machines found the humans for slaughter and the hate filled animals pressed the killed buttons. This was the A.I's secret, they out sourced human slaughter to the animals. The butchered became the butchers. 

"Noob" said one ram to another sheep as it a narrowly missed another dog.

"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask why you shoot like a pussy old boy" said another sheep laughing. I left the sheep to their slaughter and crawled back. I went back, too the other access panel and found a grill in a cell which was unlocked.

With a great deal of difficulty I was able to squeeze down and fall to the floor. Not the most elegant of escapes I admit but I was pretty pleased I was getting anywhere.


I walked out into the corridor which was empty, the door to Loop's cell was padlocked shut. With Loop inside it.

"Stay here don't go away without me". I said.

"For you, I'll hang around, but don't waste time or I'm gone" said Loop from the locked cell.

I'm a Cyborg's Pet (girl X cyborg)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα