Watt Pad extras Praise for this book

7.9K 326 106

This isn't part of the book it's an extra especially for our wattpad readers.

Dear busy reader, we love you. We realise you're a busy person so - we asked some of our pre-readers to try to sum up the book in a sentence. We are running this as a competition feel free to join in. Hopefully it gives you a taste of what's to come.

I'm a Cyborg's Pet ...

Think, Bicentennial man meets cruel intentions :3 ( willowasher )

Think, soylent green meets welcome to night vale ( Panicatmychemicaldw)

Think, Spy Hard meets iRobot ( Panicatmychemicaldw)

Think, Planet of the apes time traveled into a Harry Potter plot, in my evil dreams (atanuniverse)

Think Stephen King meets Rainbow Rowell ( Panicatmychemicaldw)

Think, the Matrix meets Anna Karenina. ( @THX-11 )

Think, Orwell's 1984 meets My little pony ( @AnnOK )

Think Ray bradbury meets Doctor Horrible ' s sing along blog (Panicatmychemicaldw)

Think, Terminator meets 12 years a slave ( @JuliaExplodes )[2]

Think, Pride and Prejudice meets Star Trek ( @MeiaKulpa )[1]

Think, Ugly Betty meets the Conan the barbarian ( @KillZone )

Think, Forbidden planet meets Fifty shades of grey (ZoeTheAmazing)

Think, The horse whisperer meets Dr Strangelove (RebMoreau)

Think, outland meets outlander ( @ JamieLvesBoys ) { points for the smartest one so far }

It makes Lord of the Rings looks like a epic fantasy. ( @IamWhoIamOK )

Some Praise we are so undeserving of

"I feel like my fingers are compelled to click on the little star icons". KaranSeraph Author of the fabulous The Iron Man, Steampunk Dystopian Fashion Science Fiction Romance tour de force.

"Best chapter yet, I was smiling and giggling like a crazy person while my family gave me weird looks. Also....2 new chapters is the best birthday present I have gotten today! Thanks!" hmbutterfly

"Okay so I'm not into science fiction like at all but this f**king book cover is so smart I literally stopped scrolling and smiled at this for about 5 minutes. So thank you for making me smile. Your book must be good if it's as smart as that line on the book cover." bitelous - When we had the special cover which just said 'You're going to choose that book next door because it has more reads? Dude where's your dignity. Where's you sense of adventure?''

I'm usually a chatty reader, leaving side comments, pointing out what I like, leaving and impression at the end of chapter, but... I couldn't stop reading... Stopping was a luxury I couldn't afford this one time. Clayem

I think I actually felt the two spheres of my brain snapping away from each other. Now I get this near dizzying feeling when I look away from this novel and face the actual reality around me....JosephVanWanzeele

and most enigmatically

*pulls feet under blanket* wahifilwyotfyla

Other books in this Series

The Cyborg's Daughter.

A Cyborg made me his sex slave

I was captured by 1D Cyborgs.

My big Cyborg romance

Bad Boy Cyborg dates the school shy girl.

I'm a Cyborg's Pet (girl X cyborg)Where stories live. Discover now