Chapter 2 - Midnight's Pastime

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Midnight's Pastime

It had all been incredibly boring.

The first two years especially had been dreary. Blethinette claimed her rule over earth with good old fashioned pillaging. Invade a grand city, decimate a few hundred small countries and people were bound to notice. However, such a simple takeover provided him with no interest.

It wasn't till this past year that a hope for excitement was seen. Blethinette had ordered a purge: demons were to fan out the lands and scavenge for humans that radiated Magika essence. And who did not possess and powers would be killed on the spot. Slaying mortals within thousands at a time should have provided an adrenaline rush, but it only proved to be a bore.

No longer were mortals prevailing clans that provided dominant adversaries for him to battle. They were all yelping cowards, running from the slightest sense of danger. Even those possessing a trace of spiritual pressure succumbed like frightened children, unable to tap into their Magika to fight back. There was no excitement in decimating screaming flesh bags.

He immediately chose not to continue participating in Blethinette's search. Most of his time was spent sparing with either Cerus or Erian. Though now that he had fully tapped into the powers he once held, they proved hardly a match for him. He did not train with them for long, for Blethinette called upon them.

He had been reduced to a traveling spectator, wandering across the globe, scrutinizing at the modern mortal world that was presently under ruins.

Mundus harshly sighed.

He was in the middle of nowhere. Despite the destruction that had rained upon the world, the desert-like scenery he resided in remained untouched. Several short cacti dotted with small, tightly wrapped flower buds poked through the clay ground. Peppered over the land were several mesquite trees shading grey-green shrubbery. The hot sun was a fiery orb in the horizon.

He was lying down, his black eyes holding the sky in a peculiar manner. Laced hands cushioning his head, Mundus thought. He pondered on the familiarity of his desert setting. The pacing he had done over the parched land as he waited for her to appear. The events that eventually lead them to—

Mundus grunted.

Solitude was not kind to him. It simply granted access for past events to haunt his mind. There were no distractions from his racing mind. Even passage to his homeland was denied to him.

In order to control the flow of demons, Blethinette had sealed the portals—the ones known to exist to her knowledge, for it was obvious Auronmar possessed others under his command—with Magika even Mundus could not break. Despite his peals for such spells to be broken, his mother refused to have him cross over. She feared any communication between him and the mortal filth Reyna would sprout rebellious seeds within him yet again.

Act of a Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book II ✓Where stories live. Discover now