Chapter 6 - Through Chained Eyes

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Through Chained Eyes

Mundus stepped out of the portal and onto Demon World.

"It's about time. I was waiting for you for almost a week!" Cerus said with a grin. He was looking up to him from his seat next to the wavering gateway that quickly disappeared. He was also alone save for Flow who was twitching in his sleep a few feet away.

The moon demon gave him a stare as Cerus stood up. "Erian's absence signifies his current attempt to locate Auronmar's whereabouts?"

"Yeah. He took off about four or five days ago. I don't think he's had any luck finding it though."

"Perhaps I shall attempt to do so."

Cerus gave him a confused look. "You're going to try and See it? But your skills with the See Magika isn't as great as Erian's."

Mundus glared at him.

"Uh. I meant it's not as great as Erian's yet."

"I intend to Chain with Azul," he said almost cutting into Cerus' words.

A horrified gasp was heard, but it wasn't from either of the demons. "Chain?" Lina exclaimed with panic and worry. "Master, no!"

Mundus sighed. It had been only a matter of time before Lina's annoyance would surface. Silence, he barked at her.

"Yes, Master," she sadly said but not because of the order she was given.

Cerus spoke up when he noticed Mundus' scowl. "Lina doesn't like it, huh? I don't know if Erian will either."

"Yet your standing towards the act is not of rejection?" Mundus asked as he eyed Cerus.

"No. I'm okay with it," he said though his tone was hesitant.

Mundus caught it. "There is uncertainty within such words."

Cerus gave him a small smile. "I was just thinking what if Azul hadn't fully Imprinted onto Erian, but I'm sure she probably has. Her lending you his powers shouldn't be too much trouble."

"Indeed. Such is the reason of my notion to Chain. However, I am incapable of sensing his Magika."

"Yeah." The Shape Shifter scratched his head. "He left my range of detection about two days ago, but I'm sure we can easily pick him up with Flow."

Mundus nodded, an indication for them to commence their search.

Cerus looked at the sleeping Flow with tenderness, not wishing to wake him up. He turned back to Mundus. "Maybe if you both searched at the same time? With you and Erian trying to look for it, you can probably find it faster."

"Chaining to Azul shall enhance my See power to greater heights that will provide a superior vantage point than what you suggest. It shall prove quicker as well."

He nodded. "Okay then."

"However..." Mundus ponderous word stopped Cerus.

"What?" he asked when the silence went for too long.

"Is it not possible for you to discover Auronmar's whereabouts Fused with Flow? Would it not be simpler to trace his scent to his location?"

You mean Reyna's scent, Cerus thought as he now gazed at the sleeping wolf pup. "No," he said to Mundus. "We actually tried that, but it seems Auronmar is pretty clever. Even his decoy castles have 'real life' scents attached to them. It would be a slim chance that the scent I chose to follow will be the real one and the multiple castles disappear and reappear too fast for me to check every one. It pretty much isn't any more helpful than Erian trying to See through the Illusions whenever he's lucky to even find something."

Act of a Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book II ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora