Chapter 14 - Haven

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“Mundus’ brother?” Dante said. “But he looks so human.”

 “Verden,” Reyna whispered his name. Though yards away from them, he glared at her before turning back to the little girl that was pulling on his pant leg.

“Seriously.” Dante came up to Reyna. “He’s wearing Chucks. How is he Mundus’ brother?”

They stared at him. He was on one knee, using his staff as support, as he listened to the child’s rushed words. His hands held no claws and the faint laugh lines on his face were only evident because of his frown.

Reyna shook her head. “It’s weird. I sense Magika from him, but it’s all fuzzy like it can’t decide what to settle on.”

“What does that mean?” Dante asked.

“I don’t know. I guess he’s omnipotent with Magika too. He is Mundus’ brother and everyone from that family seems to have access to all the Magikas.”

Verden shot up from his stoop and faced west while Gahn turned towards them with an urgent look.

“Something’s up,” Reyna said. There was a sudden wane of Magika from the direction Verden was facing.

They rushed towards the demons’ position, but before they could arrive, Verden scooped up the child and Teleported away.

“So he probably does have powers of all the Magikas,” Dante mumbled.

“He didn’t go far,” Reyna said and bound off after him. Dante and Gahn followed her.

They arrived just in time to see Verden impale an anonymous Upper demon with his morphed staff that sported a short blade on its tip. Next to the slain demon was a young woman with a deep gash on her side that was gushing blood. It was evident she had been attacked by the now dead demon.

The little girl stood a few feet away from the scene. A young man was hugging her. He also sported the appearance and attire of a human with his dark basketball shorts and white T-shirt that featured an icon checkmark.

“What happened?” Dante asked.

Reyna pushed past Verden and knelt next to the bleeding girl. Her hands were already coated with the green veils of healing mist. She held them over the wound. The flesh immediately stitched together, sealing off the blood.

Verden kneeled next to Reyna to observe the recovering girl. She appeared to be in her mid-teens and was dressed in stockings and an oversized shirt that was torn and bloody from where her wound had been.

“You healed her up nicely,” Verden said impressed.

The girl stirred.

“Diorela, how are you feeling?” he inquired as he nested her head with his hand.

Deep brown eyes stared up at him. “Fine.” She paused. “Why are you talking to me in English?”

He smiled. “So our friend can understand.”

Reyna looked at Verden with surprise. Friend am I?

Diorela saw Reyna and gasped as she sat up. “A human!” she beamed at her.

“What?” a bewildered Reyna said.

“Diorela!” the little girl squealed as she ran to the healed teen.

Act of a Demon: The Dark Bloods - Book II ✓Where stories live. Discover now