Chapter 29 - Encasing Walls, Enclosing Thoughts

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Encasing Walls, Enclosing Thoughts

Reyna wanted to walk over to Verden and the rest. She wanted to stand with them, be a part of their swarming concerned faces. They were her new family and friends, and she should share in their endeavors and emotions.  

But she has her memories now.

Instead she stood still, watching Michael and Diorela eye Ayame with hesitant happiness. Reyna could tell the two teens knew her situation. Anna was the one that was unconcerned with anything and was saying something to the Spirit, but Ayame was looking at Verden. He held her eyes too. The calm on his features was there as if to tell her to take her time.

A frenzy of emotions overtook Ayame's face, each one pushing out the other as fast as they came, but she never took her eyes off of Verden. Reyna guessed she was trying to put together so many memories in her head. Ram had said all their memoires from past lives awaken here, and Reyna knew of two she had lived—Ayame and Sakuya—in addition to her "life" as a Spirit.

Reyna could only image how overwhelming, confusing, and probably frightening that could feel. Ayame was in the process of literally picking a life and donning its accompanying personality, emotions, past, and family. Assuming it worked that way.

Reyna noticed everyone had stilled, waiting to see and hear what Ayame would do and say. No doubt the actions of an awakened Spirit would be something to see. Not to mention the awakened Spirit was her.

"You are all way too serious." Ram cut through the silence with a laugh. "Don't worry too much about her. What's she going to do? Die?" Another giggle took him.

Mundus glared at him, but to Reyna's surprise he didn't say anything. Other than that, she couldn't tell what he was feeling. She looked up to Dante and he glanced down at her.

Ram's sigh tore through the stillness again. "Come on." He walked up to Reyna and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away from her spot.

"Hey!" Dante protested and reached for her other arm but his hand phased through it. He blinked.

Reyna dug her heels into the ground, but it was too smooth to grant any friction. She saw Dante and Gahn chase her, but every time they would try to grab her arm, clothes, fingers, anything, their hands would go through her.

"Stop trying. It won't work," Ram said, but when he pulled Reyna by Mundus, the demon tried anyways.

He attempted to grasp her arm as well, but instead of passing through her skin, a barrier stopped his touch. It shot up from the floor. Reyna locked eyes with Mundus and she saw the alarm in his face before it was replaced by the ascending wall. Three more rose around her and Ram and one of them spat a ceiling over them, incubating them in a cubicle of white. 

"Cozy, huh?" He grinned at her.

She pulled free from him. "What—?"

She couldn't finish her sentence and instead kicked at one of the walls. It felt strong and solid enough, but she also felt if she still had her Magika it would've fallen.

"Come now, Sister. Don't break things." Ram tisk'd at her.

Reyna whirled to him. "It didn't break! Just...what the hell do you want? What are you playing?"

"Playing? This is no game, Sister. This is all real, including the death you will all experience if I fail to help you." He laughed.

She bared her teeth. He laughs way too much.

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